SD v , Android
'Internet Usage' on my SD is set to 'Live Data when Planning'.
After hitting 'Go Flying', I hit the 'Airfields' tab. The list of Visual Approach Charts etc appears. Some Visual Approach Charts are in green, other in Orange. If it then tap an 'Orange' one (which is a German airfield, part of the paid-for subscription for German DFS charts). SD shows the download bar but cannot download the chart, presumably because there is no active internet connection .. so I cannot get the chart at all.
Question : shouldn't SD show me the version of the 'orange' chart that it has rather than try a download ? If I am flying/navigating its already too late for a download, and anyway I set 'Live Data when Planning'. I'd rather get the previous version of the chart than none at all. Even though the WiFi may be connected to some network, I don't want it to download when I am flying because the connection usually doesn't work reliably at altitude.
I may have misunderstood what the SD options mean, What's the expected behaviour of SD here, and how to ensure I can always get the chart if it was once downloaded ? I don't remember it doing this previously.