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Hello ,
I am also interested in this functionality, basically to send the MNEA183 sentences to my Dynon EMS 100 to calculate the liters of fuel to the destination and some other function.
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+xHi, I need a Hardware connected via WLAN and RS232 to Skydemon to steer my Autopilot.
Every old Handheld GPS (e.g Garmin Pilot III from 1997) can send this signals from the progammed track to my Autopilot. (TruTrak of Trio)
Any change to realize this Hardward and bind it to skydemon ? Achim
Do you have issued with the connection between the Air Connect & SD?
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+xThis seems to be a growing market in the world of uncertified aircraft and I'd love to be able to utilise Skydemon to drive a system like this. Freedom does not always breed the best for those struggling to obey the limits of their own capability anyways ...
I um undecided. Yes, for emergency reasons I added full waypoint navigation and serial out autopilot steering to my Stratux, wired the serial and got a big red physical button labelled "Emergency only" to change source from certified GPS to Stratux. BUT - I still observe the lack of education, training, self-awareness and SOP of fellow pilots in the uncertified world, which prohibits me to make it available to the public. Adding the few steering commands to the NMEA-out stream is indeed easy, as the digital autopilots are already prepared to take much of the calculation needs. I wonder how many Experimental in the US already fly by home-built solutions?
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I'll add my interest here. I recently started looking to see if a low--cost wing-leveller/heading autopilot was available to add to my skyranger. I found several units on the market now by firms such as Levil, Aircraft Automation, Stratus, X-flight etc. All designed to use things like trim tabs separate from the primary flight controls. From what I can see, they all use a simple AHRS box and EFIS software running on a tablet. There are several navigation apps that work with them such as iflyGPS as they output NMEA strings through lightning to serial cables. I would rather use a hardwired system as I have pilot aware connected through the wifi.
This seems to be a growing market in the world of uncertified aircraft and I'd love to be able to utilise Skydemon to drive a system like this.
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+x+x+xLike the idea of lightning to serial- suspect that would cover the biggest population as more A/P hardware accept serial than wifi/bt? As earlier post, Garmin devices been doing this for years so provided SD could output via lightning to serial (iPad assumed here but same argument for other devices) should be easy change to plumb in iPad instead of Garmin. Bring it on! Alternatively BT output might be ok for dayVFR@Experimentals convenience as well, if Skydemon would only be capable to output via there?
Some autopilots experimental versions had internal Bluetooth modules once upon a time and were capable to do that, but - demand was so low they quit producing. Technology like on an iPhone and a BT2RS232 converter would do the trick today. Possibly though understand cannot have multiple active wifi or BT connections from a tablet and these may already be in use to manage traffic etc. Also, by nature, more susceptible to drop so, if a 'hard wire' lightning to serial is an option that is the one I would vote for. I love the idea of using SD running on my iPad to drive my A/P but not at the expense of losing ability to show traffic on SD. Great discussion though. I have success receiving traffic via WiFi from a Stratux device and in parallel feeding data to the A/P via BT from the iPad, so I don't see the point unless you have one of these cheap Android devices with limited networking capability.
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+x+xLike the idea of lightning to serial- suspect that would cover the biggest population as more A/P hardware accept serial than wifi/bt? As earlier post, Garmin devices been doing this for years so provided SD could output via lightning to serial (iPad assumed here but same argument for other devices) should be easy change to plumb in iPad instead of Garmin. Bring it on! Alternatively BT output might be ok for dayVFR@Experimentals convenience as well, if Skydemon would only be capable to output via there?
Some autopilots experimental versions had internal Bluetooth modules once upon a time and were capable to do that, but - demand was so low they quit producing. Technology like on an iPhone and a BT2RS232 converter would do the trick today. Possibly though understand cannot have multiple active wifi or BT connections from a tablet and these may already be in use to manage traffic etc. Also, by nature, more susceptible to drop so, if a 'hard wire' lightning to serial is an option that is the one I would vote for. I love the idea of using SD running on my iPad to drive my A/P but not at the expense of losing ability to show traffic on SD. Great discussion though.
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+xLike the idea of lightning to serial- suspect that would cover the biggest population as more A/P hardware accept serial than wifi/bt? As earlier post, Garmin devices been doing this for years so provided SD could output via lightning to serial (iPad assumed here but same argument for other devices) should be easy change to plumb in iPad instead of Garmin. Bring it on! Alternatively BT output might be ok for dayVFR@Experimentals convenience as well, if Skydemon would only be capable to output via there?
Some autopilots experimental versions had internal Bluetooth modules once upon a time and were capable to do that, but - demand was so low they quit producing. Technology like on an iPhone and a BT2RS232 converter would do the trick today.
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Like the idea of lightning to serial- suspect that would cover the biggest population as more A/P hardware accept serial than wifi/bt? As earlier post, Garmin devices been doing this for years so provided SD could output via lightning to serial (iPad assumed here but same argument for other devices) should be easy change to plumb in iPad instead of Garmin. Bring it on!
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I think the problem is solved, see. video. Or am I wrong?
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+x+xThe hardware for that is ready and working, I saw it last week on both Trio and TruTrak autopilots, getting GPS wireless from an iPhone. It is only the navigation software to implement the steering commands transmission. Will it come? Yes! Who will be the first and how long until allowed in certified aircraft we don't know. My bet, much quicker then old farts believe. But, many still believe handheld GPS cannot be used for autopilots, which is definitely wrong. Markus, am I talking to Jekyll or Hide? Please read yor own 4 posts from page 1 before arguing why IOS is incapable.........
Read careful. I did say it will come, or better it is virtually there. I did not say it will be good, or officially certified.
Such use of multi purpose consumer devices is inevitable, as the power of the masses will simply do what can be done. While there is benefit in case of emergencies, the huge crowd of let loose ragtag will give a sh*t on well based rules and regulations. Not all coming is well, especially in the current Golden Calf Digital prayers age, which may well be an anti-christ thing.