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French Night VFR Routes

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Posts: 6, Visits: 11
Hi Tim,

I've searched on the forum on the 'night VFR routes' subject, but found none of them dealing explicitly with what I'm looking for.
the closest matches are the following posts : topic#1 and topic#2.

I know that SD shows Day VFR routes. As an example, a lot of them are clearly visible between South of France and North of Corsica. The way they are depicted is fine to me.
Unfortunately, no Night VFR route seem available in SD (at least for France, can't speak for over countries).

For France, those NVFR routes are described in the ENR 1.2 AIP, with charts available and most of the time with waypoints coordinates (I say most of the time because, for instance, it's not the case for Paris Area - see chart page 33/39 of the AIP).

My questions :
1) Would it be possible to add those night VFR routes (with possibility to toggle them on/off) ?
2) If not, would it be possible to create personal routes (with altitude), as it's already the case with personal waypoints ?
3) Would it be possible to develop a true night mode (I have an Ipad pro and the colors used with the 3-click-on-the-home-button trick are not realy usable as a night scheme). You said here in 2014 that you had no plan for that, but maybe you could reconsider as there seem to have some demand for it (although question#1 here comes 1st Smile )?

Thanks for reading me (and sorry for that poor english),

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Posts: 323, Visits: 388
(1) AFAIK just go to Skydemon Plan on the PC and use custom data to input the VFR Route information as VFR Route. Once done, save it to the cloud and retrieve from every device you want to use it from the cloud. You can enable it on and off by the VFR Route switch.
(2) Same as before, use Skydemon Plan on the PC to do the editing in custom data, transfer by cloud.
(3) you can do that on the iPad as profile, which I think is the better way as it switches all of the iPad to night.

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Posts: 6, Visits: 11
hi, thanks for the reply.

regarding points 1) and 2) (night VFR routes and SD custom datas)
I did not know about SD custom datas. We're always learning Smile
I'm looking at it since an hour, and I must say that it is not very user-friendly (but it gives a minimum solution, so I take it) : the manual doesn't help much with the format of custom routes and states that trial-and-error if the way to go (a complete sample of what's can be done would be appreciated !). 
Sometimes, once data is put in every field, the screen doesn't allow you to validate it (ok button is still greyed), even if data is valid.
I prefer to manualy edit the custom routes files with a text editor.

I understood that it take coordonates, with lowest/highest altitude and routes width, but I did not managed to have a valid file with more that one segment. I have to create as many routes as I have segments (hu, homeworks !).
Something that is painful is that it takes only latitude/longitude coordonates, and no waypoint (even standard ones like VORs).

Some other thoughts :
- I can't see any way to differentiate mandatory waypoints (solid triangle on official charts) from non-mandatory ones (simple empty  triangle). Any idea ?
- The route is depicted (and considered) by SD the same way than day VFR routes (green) with a custom label and that's fine for me (maybe a custom color could be an idea to identify them easely). However, you can only toggle ALL routes on/off, and no specificaly night ones (nor custom ones). During day VFR flights, I do not wan't to mess with night routes and vice-versa. All in all, a specific 'night routes' (NVFR) toggle button would be the simpliest way to do it.

as a conclusion, I would add that I would feel more confortable if those Night routes come from SD datas (not custom routes), as the official source is French AIPs and I would feel safer in case those routes are amended.

regarding point 3) (SD night mode)
I was refering to 'high contrast' (alias 'inverted colors') fonctionnality on the Ipad (which is for me mapped to a 3-clicks on the home-button).
As many of people, I consider that this 'High contrast' is too bright  (even at lower setting) and colors do not feel very standard compared to any map navigation night mode (eg tomtom for car navigation, I do not want to speak about other aviation app's here).
This would be something very usefull for night fliers.

Have some nice and secure flights,



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