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In flight error messages

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Why do I keep getting screenfuls of this in flight? I got six of these in a one hour flight on Saturday. Any way to turn off these messages?


Tony N
Tony N
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I think it is because you have a cellphone internet connection available when flying.
SD is telling you it has lost connectivity.

I see this quite often on my smartphone that I use for SD.

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tnowak - 10/23/2018 6:44:41 AM
I think it is because you have a cellphone internet connection available when flying.
SD is telling you it has lost connectivity.

I see this quite often on my smartphone that I use for SD.

Thanks. Seems like overkill, I don't need half a screen of tiny red writing repeatedly to tell me this. Is there a way of supressing the messages?

Peter Robertson
Peter Robertson
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The only way I know of to prevent these messages is to set ‘SkyDemon/Settings/Internet Options’ to ‘Live Data when Planning’, though that of course means you won’t get live updates to notams, etc in flight and can only access SkyDemon’s own airfield plates or any you have previously downloaded during the planning stage.

As Tony has indicated the problem is due to your device losing internet access, which is common at altitude.

If you want to keep your internet running in flight you just need to keep acknowledging/clearing the messages by touching outside the box - though this can be a pain.



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No, the problem is that the error messages are too invasive and take up too much of the screen. I get this quite often and it’s annoying.

A small dynamic icon at the corner of the screen would be better. This would indicate the loss of data connection and by touching the icon, the user could see the error messages in full if they wanted to.

We shouldn’t have to acknowledge these messages in flight or change any settings.
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Thank you everyone.

Disabling a useful feature to prevent an intrusive and overly complex error report seems counterintuitive. It’s not really an error, live data will be lost at altitude, so I don’t feel that I need an error message, just an indication of the age of the displayd data.
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Tony N
Tony N
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Posts: 342, Visits: 2.4K
I get a slightly different error message  on my Android smartphone. However, I simply have to touch the screen anywhere outside the message for it to be cleared.

I seem to remember asking Tim (some time ago) if these messages can be displayed in a different format. I think he said a non-trivial redesign would be required.

Tim Dawson
Tim Dawson
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An overhaul to the way internet communications is attempted is required, and particularly the way errors during communications are reported. But that won't happen overnight. We'll get to it.

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