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Virtual Radar Airspace bug in latest iPad version

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Just been using the very latest iPad version today, v3.6.0 and noticed an airspace bug on the virtual radar

I had created a user waypoint just north of Liverpool's CTA just abeam Formby Point VRP

I noticed that when I change the track to use the user waypoint , the virtual radar shows my complete journey (I had planned due North up to Barrow) now in blue showing I am in Liverpool's CTA (from 1500' to 3500')

If I move off the user waypoint by the smallest margin, the virtual airspace radar is depicted correctly (ie. the CTA is not shown at this point as I am outside it)

Here are a couple more screenshots showing 2 more adhoc waypoints that do or don't show the bug

Hope this helps


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Looks to me like it's affected by whether your planned leg crosses or flies along the edge of the airspace a little bit south of your waypoints. I seem to recall a similar bug with waypoints on the edge of airspace was found a few months ago and fixed with typical SkyDemon efficiency.
Tim Dawson
Tim Dawson
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Thanks, this problem has already been picked up and addressed ready for the 3.6.1 release. It's actually happening because WAL forms part of your route, as well as forming one of the vertices of some bits of airspace you're going through.
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Great, thanks for letting us know Tim !!
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Posts: 8, Visits: 15
I have the same problem in Android and on my PC.  Both updated in the last week.  PC -   Android -

Flying from Liverpool, if the origin is the Liverpool airport ref point then the virtual radar shows the Liverpool and Manchester CTAs for the whole route.

However, selecting another part of the airfield stops this.

Any ideas?

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Posts: 8, Visits: 15
Just a quick update.  I tried a couple of direct routes with the following
EGGP -> EGBK: CTA shown for the whole route.
EGBK -> EGGP: Works fine.

EGGP -> EGBO: CTA shown for the whole route.
EGBO -> EGGP: Works fine.

This applied to both the PC and Android versions.

Tim Dawson
Tim Dawson
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Posts: 8K, Visits: 9.1K
Thank you. This is almost certainly a regression introduced by our comprehensive handling of the issue dealt with earlier in this thread. While we (hopefully) solved the turningpoint-at-vertex issue we stopped detecting the turningpoint-on-edge case. This is quite rare - it will only happen when you've a turning point lying exactly on an airspace boundary - but as you can see, Liverpool is just one case. We have introduced a fix for the turningpoint-on-edge case, and this will be in the next version.

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