Group: Forum Members
Posts: 3,
Visits: 12
Hi all at the forum,
I signend up for Sky Demon a few days ago and try to find my way through it right now. So it might be that I just did not found what I am looking for. Thats why I am going to ask the allmighty forum :-)
I am going to do a 3 week new zealand VFR trip in 01/2016. Because of many good reviews and reports I decidet to go for skydemon instead of any other nav sw. After downloading I tried to get used to the VFR charts, but dont do realy well with it. Paperwise I am used to the german Jeppeson and ICAO charts with all the roads, forests, railroads, to Flightplanner with the same content. Right now I cant find these informations/content on the skydemon maps. I already downloaded the high resolution map, changed between map styles and even had a glass or 2 of redwine...nothing made the roads appear.
Than I tried to gather airport informations (departure/arrival charts, frequencies like you get it in the AIP) by clicking on the airport. I cant get these informations either. At flight planner I just right click on the airport and than all the informations can be seen. Is there a way to gather these infos directly from the program without jumping to the AIP?
Does anyone have an idea what I do wrong??? I am thankfull for every hint
Greetz, Alex