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Circuit Info

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Posts: 8, Visits: 53
Still studying for my PPL but when I first bought Pooleys flight guide I was suprised that information about the relevant aerodrome's circuit was not included - i.e. in chart form for instance.

I know that circuits are all very roughly the same but I think it would be really useful if in addition to the enhanced runway information it is possible to display the then current circuit (telling the unit which runway is applicable) information. It seems to me, even if you fly "straight in" that the circuit (knowing exactly where it is etc) and traffic in it is fundamental.

This might be able to help really clearly identify the dead side etc and it would be especially useful if when approaching the circuit you could first obtain the relevant info (runway in use, surface wind etc) select it on the unit and then use that to reinforce your pre-flight planning.

I would think this would be particularly useful for unusual aerodrome circuits - i.e. I am learning to fly from an aerodrome tucked at the edge/under some fairly complicated controlled airspace with a right hand circuit. All of which you should know from pre flight planning but something I imagine is particularly useful.


Tim Dawson
Tim Dawson
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Posts: 8K, Visits: 9.1K
Unfortunately runway circuit information is not part of our data at the moment, and we don't have a timeframe that we can share as to when we might have it available. Circuits are somewhat open to interpretation so we'd have to think carefully about the implications of mapping them in the SkyDemon moving map.
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Posts: 388, Visits: 8.3K
Circuits may also be different directions for fixed wing, rotary wing, gliders, microlights etc.
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Posts: 31, Visits: 129

is there any news for circuit Info?


Best regards,
Robin Seidelmann

secosu | Consulting & Support
Experts for ERP-Evaluation & ERP-Implementation projects in Europe

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Posts: 31, Visits: 129
Would ist be a Solution to add route sniplets from "the cloud" with the information for the circuits?

The circuits could be maintained by the SD Users.
These circuits could be added to the official data.

Or is there in between any Chance to geht the official data from eurocontrol or an other official provider?

The Self-made circuits would be fine enough for me.

Best regards,
Robin Seidelmann

secosu | Consulting & Support
Experts for ERP-Evaluation & ERP-Implementation projects in Europe

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Posts: 9, Visits: 1.5K
I fail too see why having all this circuit information is required as a SkyDemon task or operation.
When approaching a destination Airfield one action is to set up communication and ask for airfield information.
That information is very current normally and if asked for at an appropriate time and speed before arrival and is enough to work out the eventual pattern required. The information can vary from minute to minute and often does.
Pooley's and other publications have enough information for arrival and departure using a 'normal' set of laid down procedures.
Keep your arrival plate at hand. SkyDemon is incorporating what Airfield information it can but with the best will in the world that could always be out of date as too could Pooley's. I struggle to see what is being asked for here. Communicate!

Gerry Holland
White Ox Mead Airstrip, Near Bath, Somerset
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Posts: 31, Visits: 129
This seems to be quite normal in the UK but not sufficient for Germany or Austria, Swizerland,....
In Germany for example, you will get a penalty fee, if the official specified traffic circuit is violated (Limit is as far as i remember 500ft).
So for these countries it is very usefull. If Not for the UK, fine, for the countries mentioned, it would help much.

I hope that could give you e explanaition why SD could Support GA in these countries a lot to fullfill official regulation as acurrate as possible (e.g. The official plate in my hand).

Best regards,
Robin Seidelmann

secosu | Consulting & Support
Experts for ERP-Evaluation & ERP-Implementation projects in Europe

Tim Dawson
Tim Dawson
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Posts: 8K, Visits: 9.1K
We will shortly begin delivering plates directly within SkyDemon, and many of these plates will have circuits depicted on them. Especially in Europe where it is common for national authorities to publish VFR plates with this information.

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