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Nexus 7 warning and question

Sky Painter
Sky Painter
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Further to my earlier post above, having said that I have experienced no screen time outs since upgrading to Android 5.0.1 which was based on 2 x 1 hour flights in simulation mode last night, today it is a different kettle of fish. Today, in simulation mode, the screen times out at whatever interval has been set in the system settings Blush

Furthermore, I am experiencing the following additional problems:-

1. In simulation mode, a change of screen orientation causes the SD orb to obscure the time and distance blocks (I thought this was supposed to have been fixed?);

2. Invoking Simulate WITHOUT planning a route, SD exits to the desktop immediately. After going back into SD several times (it varies, but usually between 2 and 4 times), invoking Simulate  works as it should initially, but a change of screen orientation again causes SD to exit to the desktop immediately;

3. Invoking Simulate WITH a route planned, SD works as it should initially, but as above, a change of screen orientation causes SD to exit to the desktop immediately.

I have tried logging out of SD and back in again, but it makes no difference.

Of course, SD may behave differently in flight, but I have not yet had a chance to check this out. Even so, this needs to be fixed.

Samsung Galaxy Tab A8 – Android 11.0 & SD
Huawei P30 – Android 11.0 & SD
PC – Windows 10 (Home Ed) Version 22H2, Build 19045.
5487, SD

Tim Dawson
Tim Dawson
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I'm going to ask people to stop posting bug reports from SkyDemon running on a Nexus 7 running Lollipop. Lollipop is broken; so much so that Google have pulled it for the time being. We are not going to spend time trying to fix SkyDemon to run on a broken operating system. Hopefully Google will sort the major problems soon and then we can make progress.
As I mentioned before, we have located and fixed the issue where the distance and time instruments from planning mode can appear in navigation mode. This fix has not yet been released, but we will push out a beta version this week so people can test and verify.
Do Google let you roll back to a stable version of Android?
Sky Painter
Sky Painter
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Tim Dawson (12/10/2014)

Do Google let you roll back to a stable version of Android?

This might be possible for someone with more technical savvy than me -- see link below -- but not for me. I'll wait for Google to fix Lollipop and in the meantime I'll use SD on my HTC One which is still operating with Android 4.4.3 and I won't upgrade until I know it's safe to do so.

Samsung Galaxy Tab A8 – Android 11.0 & SD
Huawei P30 – Android 11.0 & SD
PC – Windows 10 (Home Ed) Version 22H2, Build 19045.
5487, SD

Edited 12/10/2014 4:59:43 PM by Sky Painter
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Tim Dawson (12/10/2014)
Do Google let you roll back to a stable version of Android?

There is no easy way to roll back to a previous version. It can be done and but it's an involved technical process using their SDK that wipes the tablet.

Edited 12/11/2014 9:10:52 AM by SteveN
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Tim Dawson (12/10/2014)
ILollipop is broken; so much so that Google have pulled it for the time being.

Never heard of that. Even if it's not perfect, it's not that broken and deployment is still ongoing.
Sky Painter
Sky Painter
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As a developer, will you know when there is a Lollipop update that you can work with? I'm just wondering how long those of us with Lollipop may have to wait before SD works for us again.

Samsung Galaxy Tab A8 – Android 11.0 & SD
Huawei P30 – Android 11.0 & SD
PC – Windows 10 (Home Ed) Version 22H2, Build 19045.
5487, SD

Tim Dawson
Tim Dawson
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No, Google don't communicate such things to us.
I'm going to post a new beta this morning, built with the latest tools from Google, so it's very possible there may be an improvement.
Tim Dawson
Tim Dawson
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The new beta is there...
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I made a quick test:
- The time/distance issue is still here in a very specific condition. To reproduce it, changing the orientation no longer works, but exiting SD while navigating and launching it again will make it happen. I know this is not a normal use case but you can trust users when it's about trying funny things Wink 
- SD is way more responsive (as it was before).
- It seems the radio page is now showing more airports (when flying over them), which is great.

Edited 12/12/2014 10:10:01 AM by MikeTwoOne
Tim Dawson
Tim Dawson
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Thanks. Is this via pressing the Back button?

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