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Aerodrome Chart overlay not available on Android?

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Not having an universal PDF library available does not mean it's impossible to have. I know at least 2 other tools that have this capability on Android and it's been available for a long time for both of them (in a fast and reliable way), even if they are not as efficient on many other aspects.

SD is available on Android and this is why I've chosen it. On an iPad, I'm not sure it would have made the same choice. Because SD is not the only tool I run and because Android is my platform of choice for a lot of different use cases.

So, yes, perhaps an iPad is a good alternative to Android, but as soon as Android is a supported platform AND other tools are providing this specific capability, I see no good reason not to see it coming. Above all, it's about making a decision.

I understand the team's position, but considering the number of people I know who are choosing another tool instead of choosing another platform, I'm not sure it's a good one.
Tim Dawson
Tim Dawson
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Nobody has said it's impossible. It is expensive for us to do, so it sits lower down the priority list.

Thank you everybody for your concern that we may not be getting enough subscribers by not having this feature. To allay these concerns, I can confirm that our rate of new sign-ups has never been higher.

We know people want this feature on Android. We will bring it to you when it is practical for us to do so. In the meantime, the iPad remains the very best device on which to run SkyDemon and it supports all features.
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Since SD's business target is to support both IOS, Android and Windows, it should be in SD's own interest to fully support both IOS and Android with same functionality. If people have to choose iPad over an Android tablet just because features are missing on Android, then SD will for sure loose several potential customers.

I am that type of customer, like MikeTwoOne is describing: I would rather choose another tool than another platform. Which means I would rather choose Air Navigation Pro on Android than buying an iPad with SD if that were the options. iPad is not an option for me. However, the only three feature differences between IOS and Android are the Live Pilot Log, Map Ruler and what we are talking about here - chart overlay. I can certainly live with that - they are not show stoppers for me.
Edited 4/15/2014 7:08:59 PM by svartbjorn
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svartbjorn wrote: Which means I would rather choose Air Navigation Pro on Android than buying an iPad with SD if that were the options.

Which means, you'd choose the lower quality software along with the lower quality hardware and OS. ;-)

Just my opinion, but what do I know ...

Edited 4/15/2014 9:49:19 PM by efrenken
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It easy to use Charts overlay in SD with userairspace data Format.

i spend a long time to digitize the german aip - so i have most of all german plates in stock.

best regards

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Posts: 51, Visits: 358
How do you do that? If that is possible, then it is perhaps also possible to overlay ICAO maps or SQlite maps when you need more ground details? Maybe you could email me so we can communicate directly?
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stevelup (15/04/2014)
There is no universally available PDF renderer available on Android devices. On iOS, it is part of the operating system, very high quality and extremely fast.

Thank you for this background information!
Martin Christoph
Martin Christoph
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Hi all
I'd like to join all those voting for plates on Android.
I'm using SD for few months only but several guys started to test SD once they see me using it. Few bought licences already and most of us are Android so we're fully supporting this idea.
It's so usefull, once I discovered it on PC and not beeing able to use it on Samsung but knowing IOS guys can I'm just jealus Wink and feel bad about it. Is tehee any chance to accelarate works on it?
Thanks for great soft and confidence up in the sky!!!
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There is no universally available PDF renderer available on Android devices. On iOS, it is part of the operating system, very high quality and extremely fast.

Which is true. But, according to some Android developers (some of my colleagues are), many good PDF libraries are available. So it's not a showstopper by itself.
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I think the combo SD on Windows PC & Android Tablet is very popular. There is no reason why the android release is so far behind, it shouldn't be treated as some sort of by-product. In Germany the Flightplanner 6.0 Windows/Android combo is very popular among pilots. A huge market to gain...

....just my 2 cents


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