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Stability issues on Nexus 7 when multiple profiles configured

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Posts: 3, Visits: 10
I've been using skydemon on iPad for some time and find it an invaluable cockpit companion. The only issue I had was the size of the iPad so was looking to migrate to an iPad mini - then I looked at the cost and compared this to the Google nexus 7. Being a big apple fan I was torn but decided that the nexus was far better value.

The first app I installed was SD and was pleased that it worked very well. I subsequently installed a number of other apps and SD remained stable.

The problem started when my son spotted the new gadget in the house and being like me wanted to play with it. One of the key features on the nexus that the iPad hasn't got is the ability to setup separate profiles so I set one up for my son. This resulted in SD not working for more than 30 seconds on my own profile. As soon as I try to move the map the program crashes.

I noticed that SD is not the only app affected by this but am assuming that the app needs to be multi profile aware. I have checked memory utilisation and the additional profile is not taking up a significant amount of resource. I am running the latest version of Jelly Bean (4.3) on a 2012 Nexus 7.

I've removed the additional profile and all working perfectly again (much to the disgust of my son).

If this is an app issue, please can this be fixed. If it is an OS issue then hopefully this post will assist those that I note have reported stability issues on android via comments on the play store.

Also, whilst on the topic of android, please can printing be enabled via cloudprint.
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Posts: 274, Visits: 2.5K
There was a problem when the new Nexus 7 came out with an updated version of Android, that caused SkyDemon to crash. I think that was fixed pretty rapidly. Are you running the latest version of SkyDemon?

I have multiple profiles on my 'old' Nexus 7 (one of which is used for flying), and had no issues such as you describe.

Tim Dawson
Tim Dawson
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Posts: 8K, Visits: 9.1K
I'm unaware of anything we could do from the app standpoint to be any more "multiple profile aware" than we already are.

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