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Using iPad SkyDemon Navigation with FSX

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I have this working too. Happy to report SkyDemon works very well at F-15 speeds Smile

Here's a pic of it linked up to my iPad

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Also, looking at your pic, at F-18 speeds ;-)
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Can you share how you linked your iPad SkyDemon to your desktop computer?





Commander 114
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It's a rather cobbled together chain of applications but it does seem to work OK. Please note that the most important/dealbreaker part of the setup was that my iPad is Jailbroken. I don't think there's any way to do it with a non-Jailbroken iPad. That said, here are the pieces of the puzzle:

In broad strokes, we make the PC emulate a Bluetooth GPS module, and have the iPad connect to it.

Your PC must have a working Bluetooth Adaptor. Most laptops would have it but I'm not sure about desktops (I run FSX on my Apple laptop)

On the PC:

1. FSUIPC installed. The registered (or trial) version allows you to output FSX GPS data to a serial port.

2. Franson GPSgate. This lets you share a serial GPS receiver over Bluetooth. Again, available on a trial.

3. VSPE (Virtual Serial Port Emulator). Use this to create a virtual COM port to be used as a "Connector". FSUIPC will write to this port, and GPSgate will read from it.

With this lot chained together, your PC is now essentially a bluetooth GPS module spitting out nice valid GPS data based on your FSX session.

On the iPad:

Even though your PC is now basically a generic GPS module, Apple in their infinite wisdom only allow you to connect to certain GPS modules like the Dual XGPS150 that I use for flight.

However, you can get around this by Jailbreaking your iPad and installing BTstack GPS. This is a separate Bluetooth stack which allows you to connect to any GPS module not just the Apple approved ones.

Once you have BTstack installed, your PC will appear in the list of discovered devices, When you click on it you'll see your FSX positional data and a map will be loaded.

It's best to disable WiFi on the iPad at this point. The reason for this is the iOS Location Services (which SkyDemon uses) also uses WiFi Triangulation to improve the accuracy of your position. Works well in the Real World - but when WiFi triangulation says you're at home, and GPS says you're over the channel then things get a little confused!

Once Wifi is off, Run SkyDemon and once you enter Navigation mode your position will come from FSX.

Best of luck if you attempt this, let me know if you need any more tips!
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Posts: 14, Visits: 94
This is awesome - Thank you. Haven't tried it yet but I now know what I'm doing this evening...

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Right, I've been tearing my hear out a bit on this one - I'm so close but lacking the cigar.

FSUIPC - Check (Already had the paid version so I could fix some weirdness with my yoke).
GPSGate - Check (You don't need the server version, just the free Windows client)
VSPE - Check (Map the FSUIPC Com Port 11 to Create a Com 12 with the GPS Data outputting)
Bluetooth Adapter - Check (£6 from Amazon)
BTStack - Check (Jailbreaking IOS is so much nicer than it used to be - 60 seconds effort, all good).

After a reboot of everything, BTStack on my Ipad (Mini, US Version with 3G) sees and updates the correct FSX GPS location. Bingo!

But Skydemon still locks onto my real-world position, presumably because the internal GPS thinks it's more accurate then the Bluetooth provided location. Unfortunately I can't find a way to disable the internal GPS without turning off Location Services, at which point Skydemon complains and won't go into flight mode.

I tried Wifi off and full Airplane mode, which was hopeful for a minute as Bluetooth seems to still be alive, however in that state Skydemon shows no GPS signal being received (even though BTStack still updates the location).

I've spent hours Googling and trying various things to no avail. I'm so close and I *really* want this to work - I'm even tempted to try and get hold of a non 3G/GPS iPad, but that has to be a last resort.

I don't suppose you have any suggestions Mr Cessna or anyone else?


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Posts: 14, Visits: 94
So, I'm on the verge of giving up trying to run my 3G iPad with the fake Bluetooth GPS input from FSX.

I was wondering, does anyone have this working on an Android tablet, or can advise how hard it would be. I'm thinking about buying something as low cost as possible specifically for virtual flying.

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For use on an Android tablet just use the X-Plane to GPS application

It works wonders with no hassle...
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Posts: 9, Visits: 44
Please, SkyDemon team

(Using the pc version now for fsx/p3d)

Make it possible to connect FSX/P3D to iPad SkyDemon.

LOVE your iPad app and have used it in several real flights, but...

Isn´t it possible to make it work for simulators like fsx and p3d?

Opus Software
Opus Software
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OpusFSX now includes a GPS output option to interface with SkyDemon on a PC.

Step One:

Download and install the HW Group Virtual Serial Port - HW VSP3 software from the HW Group website

Create a desktop icon for the HW Virtual Serial Port.

Run the VSP3 program, open the Settings tab and turn OFF all options except for,

TCP Server Mode
Connect to Device even if Virtual COM is closed

Save your settings to the INI file using the button.

Open the [v]Virtual Serial Port tab and specify your general parameters for the VSP. I have mine set up as follows,

Port Name: COM7
IP Address:
Port: 23

Click on the Create COM button.

The VSP Status will change to Creating.. then finally Created. The LAN Status will then go to Listen.

Step Two:

In the Opus FSXSERVER program's form click on the View Device Driver Links button to display the Device Driver Links on the form.

Now Open the FSXSERVER program's Configure dialog, tick the Enable GPS Output option and specify the above IP address ( and Port number (23) in the fields provided.

Click OK to close the Configure dialog.

A Device Driver Link should become coloured showing the GPS Simulation Networked TCP/IP Socket link, this link will turn green when it connects to the VSP.

The VSP LAN Status should now change to Connected.

Step Three:

After running and loading the flight in FSX or Prepar3D you are now ready to run the SkyDemon package.

You will now have to set up your SkyDemon package.

Setup - > Device Connectivity Options ...

I have a Garmin handheld device
Port: COM7

Setup -> GPS Navigation Options ...

General tab,
GPS Harware,
Port: COM7
Baud: 9600 (I have my COM7 mode set to 9600,N,8,1)

You are now ready to click on the Start GPS option in the top RH corner of the SkyDemon screen.

We will be looking to interface further in the future looking into accepting flight plans, route or waypoint changes etc.


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