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trouble downloading plates to the ipad

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Group: Forum Members
Posts: 45, Visits: 310
I recently bought the DFS plates and download of all of them to SD on my PC with ease. But on the iPad I always get "communication problem" after some plates have been downloaded. No chance to download more then 5 plates in one go.

My WiFi is stable and fast: I never encountered any any other download problems in this environment.
I rebooted my iPad (Version 4/64GB/with GSM/iOS 6)

Any idea?
Any chance to copy the PDF files form my PC via iTunes to the iPad?

BTW: Is there a update function included (message if a new version of certain plates are available)

Tim Dawson
Tim Dawson
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Posts: 8K, Visits: 9.1K
Hello Georg, could you monitor the process and determine whether it is one file in particular that is causing your download to stop?
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Group: Forum Members
Posts: 45, Visits: 310
Dear Tim.

no, there was no particular file that caused the problem. The download started and - maybe depending on the size of the PDF's - crashed after a certain time - It was noticeable that the bigger, international airports where more affected.

When restarting the next time the download continued from the point it crashed before. That's how I finally solved the problem: After restarting maybe 15 to 20 times I managed to download them all.

Tim Dawson
Tim Dawson
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Group: Forum Members
Posts: 8K, Visits: 9.1K
It sounds like possibly the connection you were using was not reliable enough to consistently download all plates. At present, if a communication error happens during a plate download operation, SkyDemon gives up and does not retry.

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