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Does SkyDemon still work OK on an iPad 1?

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Posts: 23, Visits: 30
Been having a lot of trouble recently with my iPad (original version 1), which has been crashing - especially with SkyDemon but also occasionally with the built in Safari browser. Took it to the Apple Store where they reflashed it back to factory settings. After reinstalling a fresh copy of SD, it crashed after a few minutes when simply planning a route to France. When connecting a remote GPS bluetooth receiver and going into flying mode, it rarely lasts

Anybody else still using the original iPad for SD?

I realise its pretty slow to update/redraw the screen but hadn't expected it to bomb out completely.

By contrast, running ForeFlight (a US equivalent) works fine - don't think it ever crashed on me once.

I know SD did a few updates to help avoid an issue with memory exhaustion, and thought that might fix it, but I still have problems.

Need to figure out whether to invest in an upgrade or simply avoid the iPad version completely. My trusty (but very cheap Chinese) Windows CE device hasn't let me down at all so far.

--- CPL/IR/FI based in South of England
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Posts: 29, Visits: 139
I occasionally get crashes on Skydemon with the iPad v1, but to be honest it recovers so quickly that I can live with it. More of a problem was when it froze at the startup screen, but this hasn't happened with the latest version.
Tim Dawson
Tim Dawson
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It is more likely you are running out of memory than actually suffering a crash. You may be able to determine which by syncing with iTunes then looking for crash dump files. There's a link below with instructions for doing that. You'll either see crash dump files or lowmemory files, which will give us a clue.

We have made improvements in every version to both memory consumption and stability, but if you have an iPad 1 the best way to avoid running out of memory is not to install too many charts.
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Seen it a few times but as said, it start up so quickly again that it's not a huge issue.

It would be good if you could then join up two log entries and their associated breadcrumbs into the one flight that they really were, though Smile
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Posts: 6, Visits: 96
Yes, SD is running fine on a ipad1 but turn off all not necessary progs and items like:

itunes, icloud, spotlight,multitasking, email etc to preserve memory and speed. See my other post about it.

I use an ultimate gps which has a normal usb connection at one side and apple on the other side and use mygoflight dualmicro usb travel charger ( 28 volts-12 volts) to charge my ipad during flight.

Works great.
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Posts: 23, Visits: 30
Thanks for the helpful indication that this can work. I think the main problem must be my loading UK+France+German charts, I didn't have anything else running at the time but a simple flight plan route causes a crash pretty quickly. I will stop trying to use this for foreign trip planning.

I'd venture to say I'd prefer that the program didn't crash. This might mean limiting the number/size of charts the program would allow you to load, but I would like to see a more deterministic approach to what does and doesn't work rather than just being hopeful about it.

Clearly there are some soft limits due to the vagaries of iOS, but this is one of the few Apps I use that consistently crashes on my iPad.

--- CPL/IR/FI based in South of England
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Posts: 6, Visits: 96
I'am running spain/france/germany/austria/swiss/belgium/netherlands/denmark/sweden/ norway with no problem. Please look at utilities-> disable everything you don't need like : itunes,icloud etc. look for other post or google for memory abuse in ipad.

Good luck
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Posts: 23, Visits: 30
Just like to post an update on this. After turning off all the services as suggested, and using the latest software, I've not had any crashes during a long trip up to Scotland and back. Worked really well

I think I may have sold another couple of subscriptions to other pilots on the trip too.

Thanks for the advice.

--- CPL/IR/FI based in South of England

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