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For over a year now I have been running SD on an original iPad and enjoying the benefits of such a good piece of software.

However, I'm now using the latest version of the iPad SD (late Dec release) on the same iPad with iOS 5.1.1 and have found that the SD software constantly crashes out on me. I've tried this on the ground and in air, only to find the same results. Whether I'm in plan mode or GPS navigation mode, it just keeps on happening!

I've restarted the iPad, shutdown all other apps -- all to no avail. On today's flight in MVFR the longest that I managed to keep SD running in Navigation Mode was about 5 minutes and the shortest time was 15 seconds. According to the logs I have about 20 flights logged in the space of 90 minutes, mainly from "unknown to "unknown" , as I tried to restart SD in mid flight.

SD is a fantastic piece of software but I'm not able to rely on this latest iPad release whereas in the previous version I may have experienced a crash on the odd occasion and was happy to live with that.

I've be thinking about purchasing the iPad mini but will be putting that on hold and returning to the Navsgo as my main SD device. What a shame as SD and iPad ae made for each other.

Is anybody else experiencing the same problems?

Biggles -- EGKB
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I've been researching this problem and have tried a number of sledge hammer approaches.

I decided to remove SD completely, install it afresh from iTunes and only use the chart data for UK. Everything else remained "as supplied (default) via the download"

What I have found so far is that when SD crashes it appear to be attempting to update the screen and that I can solve the problem of "crash after crash" by RESETTING LOCATION WARNINGS in the iPad SETTINGS GENERAL RESET menu which subsequently, on loading SD again, forces SD to open a new LOCATION SERVICES session.

Don't yet understand why this sequence seems to solve the problem but I have run SIMULATIONS & GROUND TESTS satisfactory after completing this sequence of recovery and remained error free for well over 5 hours.

Have yet to work out what sequence reintroduces the problem. Will keep you posted.

Would welcome a knowledge pool from anyone else who is experiencing these issues.

Biggles -- EGKB
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I have an ipad 3 and used it in the air for the first time yesterday with the latest SD 2.5 and the software appeared to crash on me twice. On two occasions when I looked down the screen was dark. When I pressed the home button the main app screen appeared and I had to reload SD, accept the agreement, and re-start navigation. I was on a local flight so not much of a problem, but it would have been very annoying on a cross-country flight. When I got home I ran SD for about half an hour and the problem didn't happen. I'm going to test it out in the car next. Anyone else had this problem with the latest ipad and SD 2.5?
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I have SD 2.5 on an IPad running IOS 5.1.1 with a Bluetooth GPS
On the last flight, SD crashed six times, maximum up-time was 5 minutes.

I've run it on the ground in various modes trying to replicate the problem but can't. I've only had one flight with the SD 2.5 upgrade so far, will try again once the weather allows!
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Used latest version in anger for first yesterday, it is crashed-out on me 3 or 4 times - once soon after getting airborne. Wasn't quite as bad as 'a few seconds', more like 10-20 mins or more (I did close the cover a few times). I wondered if it had reverted to a demo mode, but then it ran fine for the last 4 hours of the flight.

However, it is rather annoying that track logs are constantly broken up; For yesterday's flight alone, I have 19 different logs! A couple are very short (2 seconds!), longest is 1hr36. This long one records the max alt as NaN, the max speed as 151kts, and the average speed as 0.6kts (recorded distance only 1.3nm)!!! When asking for breadcrumbs, it warns that two points were recorded 1hr36mins appart, so this track log only managed two or three points!

I'm running iOS 6.
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My iPad1 always crashes as soon as I try to open a georeferenced terminal chart in 'non-moving-map-mode'. I informed the SD support and was told to close all other apps running on my iPad and to load only the German map, which I did - without success!

I guess the iPad1 has too little RAM to handle newer versions of SD.

Edited 1/10/2013 8:42:12 PM by efrenken
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So here is what I've found out so far. I'm running SD on 4 systems at the moment:-

iPad 1 with iOS 5.1.1 still crashes but problem can be managed by RESET as discussed in earlier posting. Have not yet worked out what sequence of events forces the error to re-appear. However, I think that the problem is associated with screen updating routines not completing when the focus interrupts current event.

iPad 2 with iOS 5.1.1 still crashes and same as above.

iPad 2 with iOS 6.0.1 with clean install doesn't seem to exhibit the crashes.

iPad MINI with iOS 6.0.1 with clean install doesn't seem to exhibit the crashes.

This may be an SD compilation issue (21 Dec 2012 release)with iOS 5.1.1 running on your iPad. If so, this could be bad news as Apple have indicated that they're not supporting any future OS upgrade to the iPad 1!!!

If you add to this knowledge pool perhaps you could, as a precursor, state what iOS and iPad version you're using.

Biggles -- EGKB
Edited 1/10/2013 8:54:09 PM by Biggles-EGKB
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From the research that I've done so far I would suggest that this isn't a problem of storage space on your iPad and you can easily confirm this by checking in the iPad SETTINGS options how much space you have remaining.

However, you may be right about RAM as the iPad 1 has 256KB RAM whereas iPad 2 has 512KB RAM and the lack of RAM has been reported as a possible cause of iPad crashes especially in the updates iOS releases.

The site below gives some suggestions as to how to eliminate this as a possible cause.


Can you advise what iPad version and iOS you're running.

Biggles -- EGKB
Edited 1/11/2013 8:58:55 AM by Biggles-EGKB
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Posts: 19, Visits: 63
Further to my previous post I'm running SD 2.5 on iOS 6.0.1 (ipad 3) and I had two crashes on my first flight. I flew again today for an hour and it crashed once. Haven't tried it in the car yet.
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I have just bought the ipad mini and due to a 'tech' aircraft haven't been able to fly but I tried it out driving today. I have Ios 6.2 and ver 2.5 of Skydemon.

SD crashed after 1hr 20 mins. I had no other apps at working in the background and was using an external garmin glo gps reciever.

On the return journey after fully powering the ipad off, skydemon crashed after 25 minutes.
I must say though, that with all this talk of crashing I was getting very concerned and hadn't realised that when an app on an Ipad crashes, it isn't like a crash on a PC, it took me literally about 10 seconds to be back up and running.

It is an inconvenience but I'm sure that Tim and co will get it sorted sooner rather than later.

Even in the car, SD and the ipad mini are excellent companions and the Garmin Glo is a great gps receiver

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