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Post Code Function does not seem to be working

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In latest version downloaded yesterday to replace previous one, I also downloaded the postcodes zip file, extracting it to the same folder as the sky demon program files.
I had understood from the brief instructions with the download section of the website, that typing a postcode into the "Find" box was all that was required. Nothing happens. I have treid with both a space in the UK post code, and without one.
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CWJ - I've just checked the search function using 'find' in SD plan and also on my 5 inch GPS unit and both work.

I've got the latest version so I think it must just be a minor glitch and not a bug in SD

I checked the location of the unzipped postcode file on my laptop and it's located in Documents > Skydemon, good luck with it.
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CWJ (23/10/2012)In latest version downloaded yesterday to replace previous one, I also downloaded the postcodes zip file, extracting it to the same folder as the sky demon program files. I had understood from the brief instructions with the download section of the website, that typing a postcode into the "Find" box was all that was required. Nothing happens. I have treid with both a space in the UK post code, and without one.

The download instructions say
"Extract the file from the ZIP archive into the SkyDemon folder within your My Documents folder"
this is not the same folder as the program files.
Edited 10/23/2012 11:46:04 AM by srayne
Tim Dawson
Tim Dawson
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There is a bug in the latest iPad release affecting some people where postcode search isn't working properly. There's no known bug in either the PC or Mobile versions though.
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Posts: 4, Visits: 24
I have downloaded the postcode file to my iPad, can you tell me how I use it??
I fly a helicopter so I can land away from an airfield. I want to find a pub I have landed at before and have a post code but not a LAT LONG? (I know I should have saved it when I was there but I didn't). How do I use my SkyDemon on the iPad to find the site using the postcode??

Edited 10/28/2012 6:37:48 PM by Owz
Tim Dawson
Tim Dawson
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Posts: 8K, Visits: 9.1K
There is a brief section covering transfering things to the iPad including the postcode database in the documentation, below:

However please be aware that in the 2.4.4 version of SkyDemon for iPad (2.4.5 is still not quite out) you may encounter a bug where you cannot select the search results after a postcode search.

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