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Adding a relative waypoint.

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Group: Forum Members
Posts: 51, Visits: 81
Is it possible to add a user waypoint that's relative (to a VOR say), just by clicking on the map? I'll explain further to clarify...

If I'm routing to a waypoint, sometimes i'd like to know what radial/distance the waypoint is from a certain VOR, for labelling convenience on the plog.

When you add a waypoint using the relative bearing function, it does just what I want - including your excellent naming - except rather than having to calculate the radial and distance first, I'd like to just click the map to create the waypoint, and then say 'tell me what this waypoint is relative to XXX VOR'. Does that make sense?

Otherwise, unless you want to get the map and protractor out, you have to guess the radial and distance, and fine tune the result. You can't see the result until you've OK'd it, and then when you go back to edit, the relative information is missing in the dialogue. It would also be good that when you go to edit a waypoint, that it remembers it was a relative bearing and what from. Your default naming tells me, but you still have to put the info in the fields again. I assume you just save the waypoint as a lat/long data so maybe this isn't easy? Just little suggestions, maybe other people's brains don't work the same way as mine...!

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Posts: 51, Visits: 81
I guess another option would be to have a measurement type tool, so you can click on a nav-aid or whatever, and then click on a point on the map, to get a quick bearing and distance?
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What you suggest sounds sensible to me. You might want to route 3 nms east of an airfield for instance. In any case it is useful to annotate a point in relation to somewhere such as '6 nms south of CPT rather than a great string of lat/long.

I am very new to this, but when you drag a line it would be nice to know the track and distance that it is going to give you from the previous waypoint. It will tell you on the log, but only when you release the mouse, so you have to do a sort of iterative process to achieve a desired track/distance.
Tim Dawson
Tim Dawson
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Interesting suggestion; I'm going to move this thread to the suggestions forum.
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I also miss this function as i often navigate in areas without useful reportingpoints and must calculate waypoints relative to distance/radial from VOR.

I would like a measurment tool and be able to mark a VOR and pull out a userWP named [VOR][Radial][Distance] for use in flightplan.
In addition to Radial/Distance information, a "time to:"[at default speed] would be useful for calculating time to this WP when placing 30min reporting points.
Edited 7/10/2012 8:06:04 PM by kip99
Sky Painter
Sky Painter
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vfr-uk (05/06/2011)
I guess another option would be to have a measurement type tool, so you can click on a nav-aid or whatever, and then click on a point on the map, to get a quick bearing and distance?

This sounds very much like the suggestion put forward in another thread:-


which facility is apparently already available in the iPad version, but can't be made available in SD Mobile because of space constraints, but can we please have it in SD Planning. It would be soooooooo useful.
Edit:- ...and in Android in due courseBigGrin

Samsung Galaxy Tab A8 – Android 11.0 & SD
Huawei P30 – Android 11.0 & SD
PC – Windows 10 (Home Ed) Version 22H2, Build 19045.
5555, SD

Edited 7/11/2012 12:11:03 PM by Sky Painter

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