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iPad sync

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Posts: 3, Visits: 5
Delighted to see the new iPad app, I have installed it on my partner's iPad, registered to her PC. I'm trying to get it to sync with SkyDemon on my PC, but can't find how. I normally use a HD2 windows phone, which I will continue to use for now.

When I enter a path to the iPad in Setup/Connectivity Options, it accepts the path. When I then try to sync, it returns with Operation Failed, Failed to locate your SD Mobile device.

Any advice anyone, pls?


Tim Dawson
Tim Dawson
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Posts: 8K, Visits: 9.1K
There is no sync between the PC and iPad versions. The iPad version has full flight-planning functionality itself.
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I sincerely hope that the PC version and iPad will become syncable with each other, I plan my flights with SkyDemon on the PC, and I'd like to fly my flights with SkyDemon on the iPad, I just
upgraded my account to include the nav package, and then found out that I can't sync from PC to iPad, in this age of cloud services and integration this seems like a lack of functionality, and an
relatively easy gap to close I believe.

Also, the map rendering on my PC is much much faster than on the iPad, so I don't really fancy planning on the iPad.

Before I sound like a complaining troll:
On the positive side, I >LOVE< the SkyDemon iPad user interface, I used AirNav Pro before, and I found it cluttered, unlike SkyDemon iPad, I think the potential is huge, and for a first release it
feels incredibly polished, however with a missing piece.

however, I really miss the integration with the PC version (for both the navigation plan, and also logging). This gap closed would make the app unbelievably good and functional.

Please take my positive feedback in consideration for future releases.
Edited 2/12/2012 11:37:23 AM by dsmitppl
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Posts: 7, Visits: 18
I too would love to be able to sync between the iPad and the Windows / web editions. I have a lot of routes which I regularly use. It would be great if I could have both my iPad and my Mobile MD as a backup.

The iPad is a fantastic device for planning routes, much more so than Windows, but I would still like a central repository.

I too want to add my congratulations on such a fantastic product!!! Well worth the wait :-D
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Posts: 10, Visits: 17
Greetings, thanks for the iPad app.

I too would like to add that this is an almost essential feature. We need some simple way to get plans from IPad to PC and PC to iPad. I have a ton of plans on the PC. I really don't want to spend hours manually entering all that detail again.

Anyway, I know you guys will be on it as usual, especially if you see anough people request the feature. So thank you in advance.


Phil Pendlebury
Tim Dawson
Tim Dawson
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Posts: 8K, Visits: 9.1K
There's no question that some way to transfer routes between different SkyDemon versions will become available. We just want to figure out the very best way of doing it. There are no half-hearted features in SkyDemon!
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Hello Tim,

One option to sync between the PC and iPad version would be to use something like dropbox. It's free for users to sign up to and works very well for other IOS apps that I use. You get 2GB free which I'm sure would be more than enough for all the necessary files.

Many thanks for a great product

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