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Save as *.fpl for Garmin devices

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Hello everyone

I just tested the SkyDemon web and was very happy with the possibilities and especially with the very easy to use user interface. I would love to start using it on a regular basis (web or plan doesn’t matter), but I have one problem: there is no possibility to export the route to the Garmin *.fpl format. All the new aviation GPS like our GPS695 support only this format to read/write flight plans from SD card, and GPX is not supported.

This sadly makes the Skydemon useless for our group of pilots at the moment. Is there any chance that Skydemon will support the FPL format in near future?

Thanks and greetings from Switzerland


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No chance?

Greetz Milhouse

Tim Dawson
Tim Dawson
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SkyDemon works great with the Garmin 695. Just plug it in, use the Setup menu to tell SkyDemon that you have a Garmin device and press Send to Device when you've configured your route.
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Hi Tim, and thanks for your reply. I can imagine that it runs well that way if somebody has his own Garmin 695, but many people don't use the 695 as a portable device but have it installed in the airplane panel. That is the case in the plane I fly too, and I can't take the 695 home to send the flight plan to it. If it was possible to save the flight plan as *.FPL, our group of pilots could prepare the flights at home and just bring the SD card in the pocket to the airport.

I hope you can understand now why I was asking about this feature Smile

Greetz Ueli
Tim Dawson
Tim Dawson
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Could you upload a few FPL files here for our reference please? This will help us decide when we can devote some resources to adding this as a file format option. You might have to rename them to XML extension before this forum software will allow you to upload them.
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I have the same problem/question.

The xml schema for .fpl is obviously not published by Garmin.

Here´s a sample file "produced" by the 695 unit itself and than copied to the SD-card.

(.fpl renamed to .xml)

hope that´ll help....

sampleroute.xml (1.2K views, 1.00 KB)
Edited 7/10/2011 10:50:59 AM by Armin
Tim Dawson
Tim Dawson
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Thanks. Unfortunately this isn't quite in the format I expected so it's hard to know when (if) we might be able to devote resources to implementing this file format.
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It would be great if this could be implemented. The .fpl format seems pretty straight forward from the example file....?



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I guys,

i have bought a garmin 795, i have the same problem, skydemon save file only as .gpx and I need to export in .fpl for my 795. I tried to setup skydemon on device connectivity option as Garmin handled device to send directly from skydemon the flightplan into device but the software doesn’t run, it say device not connected at universal serial bus … The device is correctly connected. So can you help me ?

is possible converted from gpx to fpl , or do you know if exist a driver to connect skydemon at serial bus.

I used gpsbabel and flightplan.exe to convert the file gpx but the garmin doesn’t work whit this .fpl , I think ‘cause thet file are not compatibility with the standard of garmin.

Regards and thanks
Fly Pipistrel
Fly Pipistrel
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@ Milhouse: did you end up finding a solution to your problem? I am just checking out SkyDemon and really like it. However, being able to feed flight plans into the Garmin 695 via SD card is a crucial feature! The Garmin is the primary means of navigation (connected to the AP) for a shared airplane, i.e. we don't want to rip out the Garmin from the dashboard after each flight or take the notebook for a ride each time.

Michael (LFSB)

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