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Bluetooth radio/autopilot

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Mutley - 9/5/2024 5:18:13 PM
I have a Trig radio in a tandem aircraft with two control heads (one front, one rear).  The Trig manual says that the RS232 input will only update the control head it is connected to.

Does anyone know if I can connect one RS232 adapter to both control heads to deliver the frequency change to both (so that I can select the frequency from either one), or do I need a separate RS232 adapter for each head?

Pleased to say that it works.

I did a bit of digging on how RS232 works, and once I had established that I was unlikely to blow anything up I gave it a go and connected both control heads in parallel on the same RS232 output from the bluetooth dongle and everything functions as expected.

The electronic chirp from Skydemon when a frequency is selected is unexpectedly endearing - too bad I won't be able to hear it in flight.

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When you have the bluetooth dongle connected do you know if you can also connect bluetooth headphones to hear the announcements from skydemon.  Can you have two bluetooth devices in use at the same time?


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