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Automatic chart overlay requirements

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The automatic chart overlay feature is good when it works, but it seems to not work I'm situations when more than one chart is available.

It's kind of frustrating that this is the case, because it's usually exceedingly obvious which one to display. I can think of some heuristics that could be used. But also, if that's deemed impractical or inelegant or whatever by the developers, then how about giving users some control if this? I should be able to state when planning a route which chart I would like overlayed depending on my position in the nav plan.
Tim Dawson
Tim Dawson
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We originally did try to pick which to display, when there is more than one available of the same type. It wasn't perfect, it annoyed people, so we stopped. We found that most people were happy to perform the two or three touches required to open a georef chart exactly when they wanted.
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Tim Dawson - 11/16/2022 10:06:06 AM
We originally did try to pick which to display, when there is more than one available of the same type. It wasn't perfect, it annoyed people, so we stopped. We found that most people were happy to perform the two or three touches required to open a georef chart exactly when they wanted.

Thanks for being so responsive Tim. For me it's not just about the touches required, but also the amount of context to deal with. For some airports, e.g. Geneva or Zürich, the list of documents from the VFR manual is large:

- Visual arrival area
- Visual approach chart
- Visual departure area
- Visual departure chart
- AD infos
- etc

So  you need to "touch" the right one in the right spot. Would just be nice to do that in advance during the planning phase... Count this as a vote for such a feature.

Adam Erchegyi
Adam Erchegyi
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johnichio - 11/17/2022 2:56:02 PM
Tim Dawson - 11/16/2022 10:06:06 AM
We originally did try to pick which to display, when there is more than one available of the same type. It wasn't perfect, it annoyed people, so we stopped. We found that most people were happy to perform the two or three touches required to open a georef chart exactly when they wanted.

Thanks for being so responsive Tim. For me it's not just about the touches required, but also the amount of context to deal with. For some airports, e.g. Geneva or Zürich, the list of documents from the VFR manual is large:

- Visual arrival area
- Visual approach chart
- Visual departure area
- Visual departure chart
- AD infos
- etc

So  you need to "touch" the right one in the right spot. Would just be nice to do that in advance during the planning phase... Count this as a vote for such a feature.

I have the same problem...

Tim Dawson
Tim Dawson
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So you'd want to somehow nominate one (and only one, presumably) document as being the one you'd want to open automatically when you came close to its map boundaries?
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Tim Dawson - 11/18/2022 10:08:12 AM
So you'd want to somehow nominate one (and only one, presumably) document as being the one you'd want to open automatically when you came close to its map boundaries?

I'm not sure that would do it. For these complex ones it would be nice to be able to define the following:

- Ground
- Departure Chart
- Departure Area

- Arrival Area
- Arrival VAC
- Ground

Total automation isn't even required. Just a UI that knows you're in Arrival mode or Departure mode and presents the three options (which you've predefined).

Total automation would be nice too, e.g. going from Area Chart to VAC on arrival should be easy to automate and would be very useful. Same with going from VAC to ground on arrival. Going from ground to Departure Chart might be tricky to automate because you would want that when talking to tower.

Perhaps as an "MVP" or a first step, you might consider designing simply the ability to define these six chart "labels" and some UI to make it easier to select the right one in-flight. Improvements around automation could come later. WDYT?

Tim Dawson
Tim Dawson
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Would you like me to move this thread to the Suggestions forum so others can weigh in?

This is a complex situation you're describing, which is probably fewer than 1% of the situations our users (as a whole) run into on a daily basis. We need to be fairly certain that at least 10% of customers are going to use a feature before we implement it. Moving this to Suggestions will allow others to weigh in.

You may be familiar with the Airfield Brief, which show up in the bottom-right corner of the screen when you're close enough to your destination that you may want to quickly select an approach. It would possibly be more straightforward for us to add georef charts to that menu for easy selection. Does that sound like it would help?

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That would be helpful yes.

Also feel free to move the thread.
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I recently found out about the georef'd maps, this is a very powerful feature. However, to use them you need to search through menus to find them, just at the moment the workload is high. Also more complex airports have more items, making it more difficult to find what you need, exactly while you need them most. I read above you were not happy with the feature to automatically show them. Why not display extra buttons at the right side when we are (almost) in the area of such a map? 

The buttons for detailed maps (that appear at the top when in its area) could push buttons for less detailed maps away if there is not enough space. In landscape mode there is usually space to the left of the tabs, and in portrait mode there is space below the tabs. You could choose to only show these buttons if the tabbed area is closed. 

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+1 Adams description from 2022 correlates to the propsals here I believe, I would also propose a feature to quick access a preflight markeds set of documents with a toggle option to select the active one - rather than a more complex feature trying to automate based on some rules.
I see the value and safety aspects of such, so a vote from me.


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