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Hi I have logged a bunch of hours in my aircraft as an SEP but it has just been recatogorised as a microlight, without a change in registration. How do I tell SkyDemon to log future flights as a microlight please? Thanks
Tim Dawson
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Are you referring to our digital logbook, or changing the airframe type that is shown onscreen and saved alongside your flight log?
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+xAre you referring to our digital logbook, or changing the airframe type that is shown onscreen and saved alongside your flight log? The digital logbook - so my total hours are totted up into the correct categories
Tim Dawson
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Hmm, I don't know the answer to the question. Would you expect your previous flights to all change categories, or to start recording the new category only from the time the aircraft changed?
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+xHmm, I don't know the answer to the question. Would you expect your previous flights to all change categories, or to start recording the new category only from the time the aircraft changed? The latter - that's the way the CAA expects it. I'm now accruing microlight hours whereas previously they were SEP.
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+x+xHmm, I don't know the answer to the question. Would you expect your previous flights to all change categories, or to start recording the new category only from the time the aircraft changed? The latter - that's the way the CAA expects it. I'm now accruing microlight hours whereas previously they were SEP. Can you not just copy the current aircraft profille and rename it, define it as a microlight and start using that?
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+x+x+xHmm, I don't know the answer to the question. Would you expect your previous flights to all change categories, or to start recording the new category only from the time the aircraft changed? The latter - that's the way the CAA expects it. I'm now accruing microlight hours whereas previously they were SEP. Can you not just copy the current aircraft profille and rename it, define it as a microlight and start using that? Actually, having had a play with the logbook feature (I don't actually use it myself), a possible workareound is to subscript the registration with something that identifies it as a microlight (say '-M' or (M)) for the first entry that you want to make under the new classification. This will prompt you to define the aircraft category for that registration, which you can enter as Microlight.
Not 100% ideal, but it works.
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The downside with that is having to adjust the registration every time I log a flight.
I've found a slightly better workaround. I went back and edited all my existing flights to use an adjusted registration like you suggest and then changed the Class of the aircraft with the real registration. You do this by clicking on My Aircraft at the top of the digital log book window, selecting the aircraft and then scrolling down to the bottom of the window.
It's not perfect but it's good enough, until @Tim decides it's worth fixing it... [I think storing registration, type and class for every logbook entry would be easiest...]
Group: Forum Members
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+xThe downside with that is having to adjust the registration every time I log a flight.
I've found a slightly better workaround. I went back and edited all my existing flights to use an adjusted registration like you suggest and then changed the Class of the aircraft with the real registration. You do this by clicking on My Aircraft at the top of the digital log book window, selecting the aircraft and then scrolling down to the bottom of the window.
It's not perfect but it's good enough, until @Tim decides it's worth fixing it... [I think storing registration, type and class for every logbook entry would be easiest...] Well done, glad you got it sorted.
Tim Dawson
Group: Forum Members
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We really wanted to avoid storing type and class for every logbook entry, so the database simply wasn't designed that way. I can see the downside of that now, but hopefully it's a rare thing that it actually negatively affects anyone.