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Sharing from iPad mini via Gmail doesn't include all attachments

Fabrizio Albonico
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Group: Forum Members
Posts: 37, Visits: 42
I'm not 100% sure, but I think that it did work at one point... Anyway: today I wanted to share a route with the person I was flying with and as I had the iPad Mini 5 open I tried the "Share" functionality. Got to choose Gmail, but then the app told me that it could not add some files as attachments. Those were the *.flightplan, the *.fpl and the *.gfp files created by SD. See attached screenshot.
I reckon this is likely not a SD issue, but was wondering if anyone bumped into this problem and how (if at all) it can be solved.
FWIW I then  shared the route by saving it to the cloud and opening it from my Android phone, where the Share function works as expected and the GMail app attaches all files.
Many thanks and best regards.

LSZA based
DA40 / SR20 / S22T / PIVI / TWEN

2023-12-30 22_48_08-AsPowerBar.png (184 views, 151.00 KB)
Fabrizio Albonico
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Group: Forum Members
Posts: 37, Visits: 42
Fabrizio Albonico - 12/30/2023 9:50:29 PM
I'm not 100% sure, but I think that it did work at one point... Anyway: today I wanted to share a route with the person I was flying with and as I had the iPad Mini 5 open I tried the "Share" functionality. Got to choose Gmail, but then the app told me that it could not add some files as attachments. Those were the *.flightplan, the *.fpl and the *.gfp files created by SD. See attached screenshot.
I reckon this is likely not a SD issue, but was wondering if anyone bumped into this problem and how (if at all) it can be solved.
FWIW I then  shared the route by saving it to the cloud and opening it from my Android phone, where the Share function works as expected and the GMail app attaches all files.
Many thanks and best regards.

Still struggling with this issue. Here's a pic of how it looks like after I press "Share" and select the GMail app.

Still hoping to get some ideas....

LSZA based
DA40 / SR20 / S22T / PIVI / TWEN


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