For 10+ plus years, I've done my pre-flight planning on Sky Demon Light and transferred the result tracks/wind correction, etc to a 500k chart.
In flight, I use the track on the chart in conjunction with AirBox Aware (sorry!) on an iPad, to show my true position.
NOTAMS always were available on the Sky Demon Light, to enable to. be planned around, or taken account of.
With the NOTAM info. now missing, I've had to use the NATS NOTAM website, which is vastly inferior to Sky Demon, as it has no graphical representation.
My i Pad is too old to load the "opposition" system. It is available on an iPhone, but having tried it, the NOTAM presentation is vastly inferior.
An iPhone screen is too small for this amount of info and there are far too many other functions - Checklists/Airfields, even WX, I can do without, on an in-cockpit screen !
Why has NOTAM info. gone !