+x AerialRob - 5/3/2023 8:10:26 PMGalaxy Tab A7 Lite . Sky demon for Android three trips when connecting to SkyEcho I get warning that Flarm signals are not being received and I should update SkyDemon on Goggle Play.Goggle Play does not suggest there is an update and opening App from Goggle Play starts SkyDemon immediately with no noticeable download.Other GA traffic alerts are showing on tablet with verbal traffic information through headset .
+x Tony N - 5/4/2023 7:24:26 AM+x AerialRob - 5/3/2023 8:10:26 PMGalaxy Tab A7 Lite . Sky demon for Android three trips when connecting to SkyEcho I get warning that Flarm signals are not being received and I should update SkyDemon on Goggle Play.Goggle Play does not suggest there is an update and opening App from Goggle Play starts SkyDemon immediately with no noticeable download.Other GA traffic alerts are showing on tablet with verbal traffic information through headset .There is a a very recent known issue with decoding FLARM signals that SkyDemon is aware of. They are working on a fix...