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Integration of AUP Data from DFS (Germany)

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Last month, I did some flights in northern Germany and I noticed that Skydemon doesn't contain AUP data for the TRA zones, which covers a big part of northern en western Germany. Skydemon just shows that for example, TRA EDR201E is active during "weekdays", but it is in fact just active during special activation times, reported by the AUP from the DFS.

Unfortunately, active TRA zones are handled in Germany like "prohibited areas", so an ATC clearance cannot be given. It is therefore very important for pilots to see the TRA status inside Skydemon, so we don't have to check some external websites for airspace status. Especially for pilots from abroad, which are unfamiliar with German websites etc., it would be a massive improvement.

Would it be possible to integrate the German AUP information into Skydemon, and connect it with the military areas, like TRAs, TSAs etc.?

Tim Dawson
Tim Dawson
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We do receive that data, but were advised by DFS when we first integrated AUP data that pilots in Germany are not routinely expected to check AUP data before flying. What kind of flying are you doing where this checking is necessary, and at what level?
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If you're flying through so-called "TRA" zones in Germany, this AUP data is mandatory to know activation times. Unfortunately, Germany handles a "TRA" zone like a "TSA" zone, which is prohibited to cross and no ATC clearance can be given during activation times. If you fly above FL80, many places in western and northern Germany might be not flyable, when TRA zones are active. Therefore, it is important to know when and which TRA zones are actived, for flight planning purposes.

It's not just the TRA zones, even some regular restricted areas (ED-R in Germany) might have activation times, mentioned only within the AUP.

Tim Dawson
Tim Dawson
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I've asked the DFS to comment on this and whether we should be highlighting these airspaces, and will keep you informed here.
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That's great, thanks!

And yes, highlighting activation times would improve flight planning in Germany a lot, since this data is otherwise only available via the WebAUP. Especially for foreign pilots, the current situation is not transparent and might cause bad surprises during a flight.

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Tim Dawson - 9/7/2021 8:52:24 AM
I've asked the DFS to comment on this and whether we should be highlighting these airspaces, and will keep you informed here.

Any news on this topic, Tim? 
I find it unfortunate that I have to access the DFS AUP portal manually on there website while all the other information in neatly integrated in Skydemon.

Tim Dawson
Tim Dawson
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Thanks for the prompt. I've checked my emails and I never got a response, so I've sent it again.
Tim Dawson
Tim Dawson
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The initial response is that Germany do not send this kind of AUP data to Eurocontrol, therefore it isn't available for us as a real-time datastream. Therefore their WebAUP tool is the only source of the data. I've asked if that would be possible in the future.
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Thanks Tim, I appreciate your effort!
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Tim Dawson - 1/9/2023 4:47:10 PM
The initial response is that Germany do not send this kind of AUP data to Eurocontrol, therefore it isn't available for us as a real-time datastream. Therefore their WebAUP tool is the only source of the data. I've asked if that would be possible in the future.

Hello Team SD,
any news on this topic?


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