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TRA surrounding G7 summit at Elmau, Germany

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planning a trip from southern Germany to Italy over the weekend, I noticed that while the TRA LOWI is depicted nicely on the map during its time of activation, the German part is not shown. Only minor hint is NOTAM 12/22 which refers to changes in times of activation, but no other reference to the TRA.
Is this just me or something with the database? Other TRAs scheduled in German airspace are shown on my device during their respective times of activation.


Edit - docs for reference:

Edited 6/23/2022 6:44:26 PM by Ibex
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Ibex - 6/23/2022 4:12:31 PM
planning a trip from southern Germany to Italy over the weekend, I noticed that while the TRA LOWI is depicted nicely on the map during its time of activation, the German part is not shown. Only minor hint is NOTAM 12/22 which refers to changes in times of activation, but no other reference to the TRA.
Is this just me or something with the database? Other TRAs scheduled in German airspace are shown on my device during their respective times of activation.


Edit - docs for reference:

Update: the RAs now also show within German Airspace within the times published in the SUP. Updated times of activation published via NOTAM, but not depicted on charts (Saturday afternoon). I guess that is what it is supposed to be?

- Ibex

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Ibex - 6/24/2022 6:45:41 AM
Ibex - 6/23/2022 4:12:31 PM
planning a trip from southern Germany to Italy over the weekend, I noticed that while the TRA LOWI is depicted nicely on the map during its time of activation, the German part is not shown. Only minor hint is NOTAM 12/22 which refers to changes in times of activation, but no other reference to the TRA.
Is this just me or something with the database? Other TRAs scheduled in German airspace are shown on my device during their respective times of activation.


Edit - docs for reference:

Update: the RAs now also show within German Airspace within the times published in the SUP. Updated times of activation published via NOTAM, but not depicted on charts (Saturday afternoon). I guess that is what it is supposed to be?

- Ibex

Update #2: The Austrian TRA LOWI has now disappeared (no longer depicted on the map)

Tim Dawson
Tim Dawson
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We show temporarily-established airspace as defined in AIP SUP or NOTAM, but only during the time they're active plus a couple of days beforehand. It is normal that on 23rd June, when you created this ticket, restricted airspace established from 26th June would not be showing.

There was a late-notice NOTAM published adjusting the start date from 26th June to 25th June, this would not have been depicted graphically in SkyDemon due to the late notice of the change, but information would of course have been shown about the change in the NOTAM briefing.


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