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VFR cruising altitudes in the Flight Details window

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Over in the SD User Europe FB group ( there is a discussion going on to better have a altitude preselection of x-thousands +500 ft when flight rules are set to VFR.
I believe this is a good idea and should be tested in Beta..
To clarify: if you tab the Flight Details badge two items of importance can be preselected:
The first one: flight rules (in this case set to VFR..)
and the second one: "Cruising Level". When tapping that a column of preselected altitudes will show up, starting at 1000ft, then 2000 ft, followed by 3000ft and so on...
However, when flying VFR, it´s not a good idea to select these altitudes as SERA.5005 (g) and Appendix 3 state that you should fly at 3500 ft rather than 3000ft or 5500 ft rather than 5000ft - FL75 rather than FL70.
So I suggest to replace the preselected altitudes 1000, 2000, 3000 and so on by adding 1500 and 2500, then to replace the Thousands by 3500, 4500, 5500 and so on.
All the best,

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Maybe even look at standardizing conform semi circular rules like suggesting east uneven ( 3500, 5500 ) and west even numbers ( 4500, 6500 ).
Michael Sartori
Michael Sartori
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for the same topic see also:

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Michael Sartori - 5/24/2021 3:40:03 PM

for the same topic see also:

I´m very sorry, Michael - I did a search, but couldn´t find your similar thread...
However, I´m not happy with Tim´s answer over there.

If the first edit would be to choose between VFR and IFR, the CRZ LVL window could be filled accordingly.
So, no cluttering would take place - simple as that. VFR = thousands + 500, IFR  = as is now..
For those wishing to enter Flight Levels instead a manual entry is already possible.

Thank you,

Michael Sartori
Michael Sartori
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Hetzenauer - 5/24/2021 4:11:01 PM
Michael Sartori - 5/24/2021 3:40:03 PM

for the same topic see also:

I´m very sorry, Michael - I did a search, but couldn´t find your similar thread...
However, I´m not happy with Tim´s answer over there.

If the first edit would be to choose between VFR and IFR, the CRZ LVL window could be filled accordingly.
So, no cluttering would take place - simple as that. VFR = thousands + 500, IFR  = as is now..
For those wishing to enter Flight Levels instead a manual entry is already possible.

Thank you,

Peter Baier
Peter Baier
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Hetzenauer - 5/24/2021 2:38:56 PM
Over in the SD User Europe FB group ( there is a discussion going on to better have a altitude preselection of x-thousands +500 ft when flight rules are set to VFR.
I believe this is a good idea and should be tested in Beta..
To clarify: if you tab the Flight Details badge two items of importance can be preselected:
The first one: flight rules (in this case set to VFR..)
and the second one: "Cruising Level". When tapping that a column of preselected altitudes will show up, starting at 1000ft, then 2000 ft, followed by 3000ft and so on...
However, when flying VFR, it´s not a good idea to select these altitudes as SERA.5005 (g) and Appendix 3 state that you should fly at 3500 ft rather than 3000ft or 5500 ft rather than 5000ft - FL75 rather than FL70.
So I suggest to replace the preselected altitudes 1000, 2000, 3000 and so on by adding 1500 and 2500, then to replace the Thousands by 3500, 4500, 5500 and so on.
All the best,

I like this idea very much, however I'd add an additional suggestion:
Why not preselect the VFR-leg altitudes with CRZ LVL next to leg MSA? If someone wants to fly lower than MSA, that's a different story, but if authorities spot check your flight planning docs (happened to me recently by chance 2 times), it would be good to be on the safe side according SERA...

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Just some comments:

Preferably, the picklist values should be editable:
- The present picklist values are useless for VFR and SD is primarily intended to be a VFR tool.
- I often fly in 3200 ft due to airspace C above in 3500 ft. 
- Pilots who fly VFR as well as IRF could adjust some picklist entry fields for their VFR trips (3500, 4500, ...) and some other fields for IFR (FL 90, FL 100, ...).

2. The picklist should also pop up when changing the altitude in the leg properties menu.
I need this much more often than the general cruise altitude setting in the route menu. 

3. Semi circular cruising altitudes are west-east in most countries, but Italy has north-south.
I don’t think, SD should invest in a complicated algorithm that automatically proposes preferred altitudes. 

Tim Dawson
Tim Dawson
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Do you really want all this stuff instead of pressing four digits on your keyboard to type the altitude?
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It was just a comment with an idea to make the picklist fitting the various needs discussed.

The point is, that the present picklist with fixed values could be a really handy feature, but the values are in general useless for the great majority of pilots using SD.

So I would be happy, if the fixed values would be x500 instead of x000.

I think, this change could be implemented as minor change without an extensive review and test process.

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Gerhard66 - 6/1/2021 9:47:29 AM
It was just a comment with an idea to make the picklist fitting the various needs discussed. The point is, that the present picklist with fixed values could be a really handy feature, but the values are in general useless for the great majority of pilots using SD. So I would be happy, if the fixed values would be x500 instead of x000. I think, this change could be implemented as minor change without an extensive review and test process.

I totally agree. Should be very easy to implement in the Beta - looking forward to testing it!
If flight rules VFR are chosen in the first step (as 90% of the SD users will...) the CRZ LVL window should show values with x500.
That´s it :-)


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