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LIMP twy T missing on SD plate

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Dear SD team,

the LIMP SD’s aerodrome chart is missing twy T, connecting twy A to twy B.

Please note that twy E crossing apron 100 is correct even if not yet shown in all AIP documents (for the eastern apron, the most comprehensive document at the time of writing seems to be the “aircraft parking docking chart” AD 2 LIMP 2-5 18 June 2020).

Thank you for the support.

Best regards.

Tim Dawson
Tim Dawson
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Thanks, I will pass this information along to my colleague.
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Tim Dawson - 3/15/2021 10:59:27 AM
Thanks, I will pass this information along to my colleague.

Dear Tim,
first of all thank you and the SD team for updating the chart already.

As I mentioned in the previous post, unfortunately twys do not seem to be updated across all the AIP documents.
Below the chart before (left) and after (right) the latest update:
If you could have them merged (i.e. showing both twy E and T) it would be perfect.
I see that in other charts IHP (intermediate holding points) are also marked. For LIMP these are E1 and T1:

I do not know if this could be of interest, however on the western apron, on twys D and F, there are also the three "release points" D1, D2 and F1 marking hotspots (see AD 2 LIMP 2-3 Hotspot map 18 JUN 2020):

Sorry for bothering again and thank you for your help and patience.

Best regards.

Tim Dawson
Tim Dawson
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I will ask my colleague to comment.
Tim Dawson
Tim Dawson
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I'm told we will add the two unnamed holds for the next chart update, however we cannot find any reference for Taxiway E in the AD 2 chart for this airfield.
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Tim Dawson - 4/6/2021 9:57:00 AM
I'm told we will add the two unnamed holds for the next chart update, however we cannot find any reference for Taxiway E in the AD 2 chart for this airfield.

Dear Tim,

thank you and the whole SD team once again.

The only comments I can add are that twy E is still depicted in the the “aircraft parking docking chart” AD 2 LIMP 2-5 18 JUN 2020 and that it is currently (I mean as of today) used for taxi instructions by ATC.
However I see that the latest document in the AIP being AD 2 LIMP 1-1 (25 MAR 2021) does not mention twy E.
So I guess it's correct not to have it. I'll eventually add a pilot note as a piece of advice.

Thank you for your patience and dedication in looking into this.

Best regards.


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