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Flyable conditions are wrong

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It's generally acknowledged that conditions in the 'boundary layer' close to the surface are the most difficult to forecast, particualry when local geographical features can play a great part.
Tim Dawson
Tim Dawson
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Nevertheless I will report the webcam and the forecast to our suppliers and they will make use of the data. Thank you.
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Tim Dawson - 2/22/2021 10:18:19 AM
will help us go back to the forecast providers and help them improve the product.

Hi Tim,
which is the weather model used by SD supplier (e.g. ECMWF, ICON...)?

Thank you.


Edited 3/26/2021 2:13:27 PM by Lozzi
Tim Dawson
Tim Dawson
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Posts: 8K, Visits: 9.1K
It isn't as simple as that. Here's what we wrote about it on a recent Facebook post:

The Flyable Conditions overlay uses a new short-term weather forecasting technology performing fusion of data streams from a number of near-realtime information sources, including satellite imagery (EUMETSAT), ground observations, and traditional numerical weather prediction forecasts. The data isn't currently available anywhere else.

I understand that although there is a NWP model used, it doesn't play a big part in this forecast.


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