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Performance Calculations (Takeoff, Landing) in SD

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I know it's been discussed before, but I still don't understand why this feature is not implemented yet.

The manual calculation of the takeoff and landing distance is relatively timeconsuming, annoying, and it can be 95% automated as shown by other apps or competition software like Flight Planner. In Germany it is mandatory to do this and document it (at least for insurance reasons it's advisable).

Calculation of the takeoff and landing distance (and perhaps climb performance) depending on 
- airport elevation
- temperature 
- pressure 
(or the density altitude)
- wind direction & speed at the time of departure or arrival
- weight (from weight & balance calculations) at the time of departure or arrival
- runway condition (inclination, grass, and user answered parameters like wet or not, active runway selection)
- aircraft profile 
- user specific safety margin
would be a great feature, both for planning in advance as well as during in-flight.

Aircraft performance profiles could be edited and shared by users for the most common aircrafts like Cessna 172 etc.
The map could be filtered for airports that have long enough runways, also in case of an emergency to find a field nearby. Or it could show on the warnings tab if the the calculated length is shorter than the landing distance available.

I love SkyDemon, but i would like to get rid of these other apps that i need to calculate those distances for me....

Edited 11/9/2018 3:07:08 PM by thomas.fischer2018
Andrew Mills
Andrew Mills
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thomas.fischer2018 - 11/9/2018 2:18:33 PM
I know it's been discussed before, but I still don't understand why this feature is not implemented yet.

The manual calculation of the takeoff and landing distance is relatively timeconsuming, annoying, and it can be 95% automated as shown by other apps or competition software like Flight Planner. In Germany it is mandatory to do this and document it (at least for insurance reasons it's advisable).

Calculation of the takeoff and landing distance (and perhaps climb performance) depending on 
- airport elevation
- temperature 
- pressure 
(or the density altitude)
- wind direction & speed at the time of departure or arrival
- weight (from weight & balance calculations) at the time of departure or arrival
- runway condition (inclination, grass, and user answered parameters like wet or not, active runway selection)
- aircraft profile 
- user specific safety margin
would be a great feature, both for planning in advance as well as during in-flight.

Aircraft performance profiles could be edited and shared by users for the most common aircrafts like Cessna 172 etc.
The map could be filtered for airports that have long enough runways, also in case of an emergency to find a field nearby. Or it could show on the warnings tab if the the calculated length is shorter than the landing distance available.

I love SkyDemon, but i would like to get rid of these other apps that i need to calculate those distances for me....

Does anyone know if this has been implemented yet?

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This would be an amazing feature to have and is one of the last things missing that would make Skydemon essentially a one stop shop solution for me.
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I second this as well.

I am currently using a clunky excel sheet to calculate TO and LD distances, and most of the work is about inputing info that I get from SD.

For most aircraft, it can be quite convoluted to implement the feature as each parameter (temperature, pressure, wind speed, etc) has its own set of non-linear response curves. Basically the "profiles" need to be a series of n x m matrices for interpolation. It won't be as easy to define as the current plane profiles. But if excel can do it...

BTW - I am happy to share my excel with SD's developers if that can be helpful

Edited 3/7/2021 6:12:49 PM by jbmoens
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I don't know why people are using the term 'yet'.

Tim D. has said on more than one occasion that he is unwilling to implement such a feature.

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I don't blame him. Far too many types and sub-types to consider and that's before the various factorisation is considered for grass, wet etc etc. Unfortunately, there is also the ugly head of liability which would rear up if an accident occurred due to an incorrect performance calculation.

I would certainly point the pilot to his POH and tell him to work it out himself. 

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The lifetime span of types flying is huge, the methods to generate theses empirical data are legends (god blessed it is real data and no computer video game stuff) and in the end is requires to interpolate real world values out iff the POH or earlier. Programming a generic tool to put in all lists of data and provide a usable interface is far beyond the capabilities and feasibility for a company like the one behind Skydemon.

I know other software tools in totally different environments doing exactly what is proposed here. My experience with these tools is - once they reach a stage of 'good enough', the usage of the software tool is more complicated than simply taking the original paper and do the math yourself.

I second Tim Dawson and the Skydemon crew, the effort is not worth it.

Adam Erchegyi
Adam Erchegyi
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I strongly believe most of the people against this feature are considering the perfect solution. From my point of view, it doesn't have to be perfect/legal. It would be great to have some non-binding thumb rule values for information, we are going to apply a personal safety margin and some more due to aircraft age/conditions anyway. As mentioned before SkyDemon has a bunch of environmental/acft data already available and it would be a great benefit not to enter them manually to 3rd party applications (I bet they are not perfect either).
It doesn't even have to be an exact number, maybe a confirmation/warning scheme?
  • calculated roll resulted in 400m and you got TORA 2,5km? give a green light!
  • calculated landing distance two times more than the LDA? show a warning!
  • it's on the edge? give a warning and tell the user to make the exact calculation based on the AFM
How nice this could be for the destination finder? You don't have to set a general RWY length filter for all, could simply exclude airports for the current load/weather.
I also understand this is a lot of work to do and an incredible amount of data to maintain. It's not an accident that ForeFlight only has it in the most expensive plan only... But you don't need to do it! Just provide the tools in the application(s) and let the community maintain the data.

Tim Dawson
Tim Dawson
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I must not be understanding something quite right. How exactly would the community look after this data? What is the form of the data you're envisaging?

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