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Pilot Log - Flightplanning

Junior Member (20 reputation)Junior Member (20 reputation)Junior Member (20 reputation)Junior Member (20 reputation)Junior Member (20 reputation)Junior Member (20 reputation)Junior Member (20 reputation)Junior Member (20 reputation)Junior Member (20 reputation)
Group: Forum Members
Posts: 2, Visits: 0
1st.) would be great if there is a possibility to adjust the Pilot Log with some add. fields (for example: engine hours on the tachometer- ToH) - closed to the Startup / BlockOff / ... section

2nd.) official phraseology for thís section is:
- ToH
- Startup
- Block OFF or OFF Block
- Takeoff
- Landing
- Block ON or ON Block
- Shutdown
- ToH

3rd.) I prefer the following structure, because reading from left to right, next line is not the best here
Left side of this section:                      Right Side of this section
- ToH                                                   - Landing
- Startup                                              - Block ON or ON Block
- Block OFF or OFF Block                  - Shutdown
- Takeoff                                              - ToH

However: I highly appreciate this SW - very innovative, stabil, highly useful and lots of functions for VFR and also IFR flights.


Edited 2/27/2019 8:13:36 AM by mafeistswiss
Tim Dawson
Tim Dawson
SkyDemon Team (666K reputation)SkyDemon Team (666K reputation)SkyDemon Team (666K reputation)SkyDemon Team (666K reputation)SkyDemon Team (666K reputation)SkyDemon Team (666K reputation)SkyDemon Team (666K reputation)SkyDemon Team (666K reputation)SkyDemon Team (666K reputation)
Group: Forum Members
Posts: 8K, Visits: 9.1K
Thanks for your feedback. Some of the logging functionality you are requesting is already present in SkyDemon.

Your post is really a suggestion, so it might be best in our Suggestions forum where other people can comment on it. You're also welcome to contact our support directly in case you've missed any SkyDemon features and are requesting things that already exist but not where you're looking.


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