Dear Tim,
There are about 28 Airfields in the Ulip Belgium Database: Theses are Visual Approach Chart for some small airfields used by Ultra Light Aircraft and Small Plane.
Theses Documents are really reliable and free to use and publish.
On the Free Airmate Application, the ULIP Charts are present, that could be nice that you take theses information native also to SkyDemon like airmate does.
I have found a way to display with the custom files ICAO_name and that works, but we need to do that for each device because user files are not synced with cloud.
What could be nice also is to have the track of the traffic pattern on the map so that we know where to put the aircraft when approaching and for integration.
It is a lot a work, but if you let user draw the rectangle of traffic pattern himself and share this data each user would be able to draw the altitude and size of the traffic pattern.
Even without sharing that could be nice to be able to draw the traffic pattern of our destination airfield when preparing our route, hope you permit this in futur.
With your Make Approach when in flight that is already a step in this direction, but we should have the possibility to define size and altitude when preparing the route...for ease of integration.
Thanks Regards