+xtrallala666 - 6/6/2018 9:16:43 PMSo - this works. Great. But the way is a bit long :-( Anyway, THANK you so much, pgroell!Let me summarize the steps: 1) Open the SkyDemon outputed GPX File with a Text-Editor. 2) replace lines like <skd:level type="A" value="4500" /> with <altitude>4500</altitude>3) remove <extensions> and </extensions> lines. This has to been done!4) save the GPX File and close it5) load up this GPX File here: http://www.gpsvisualizer.com/map_input?form=googleearth right side of the window!6) change these settings in the left half window, middle section: Altitude mode to "extruded" . choose also line width and desired colour and change the units (left window on top) to nautical!7) klick on "Create KML File" on the right side. Wait. 8) open / import the produced Kml File to Google Earth9) Enjoy ;-)
+xtrallala666 - 6/6/2018 10:39:05 PM+xemporer - 6/6/2018 10:03:20 PMI have for you this workaround:- plan your route in SD-simulate the flight in SD or fly it in a flight sim- a log file will be generated by SD- select the log file and open it in google earth, you will see your track elevated over ground in whatever altitude you were simulating itPls what? For about 3 hr. Trip i should wait at least 2hr. to get a log file written? Crazy...
+xemporer - 6/6/2018 10:03:20 PMI have for you this workaround:- plan your route in SD-simulate the flight in SD or fly it in a flight sim- a log file will be generated by SD- select the log file and open it in google earth, you will see your track elevated over ground in whatever altitude you were simulating it