+xckurz7000 - 4/24/2018 10:20:37 AMDoesn't the ruler do this?-- Chris.
+xRenzo - 4/25/2018 10:02:36 AM+xTim Dawson - 4/16/2018 4:32:09 PMIf ATC are asking for your ETA at a waypoint further in your route, the PLOG gives this with one touch to access it.For ETA at any other waypoint, yes, we could potentially do better here. The only trouble is if you're expecting SkyDemon to take your route into account, e.g. should we look around corners as we do in the PLOG? Or should we assume the ETA you're asking for is if you flew directly to that point? We'd have to take the wind into account at your current altitude of course.Hi Tim,that´s completely right but the thing I (or better ATC asks for) is an ETE to any particular waypoint independent to your planned route in SD.In the picture you see the red X (our position while havin contact to ATC) and the green X (the waypoint ATC asked for) and you see our planned route (circumnavigating Ronchi CTR, with several waypoints) and our actually flown track through the CTR which was coordinated by ATC. In my "wonderworld of wishes", when I will be asked at the "red X pos" by ATC "...how long do you need to proceed to Ronchi (airport)?" I would like to tap onto RON-airport to get the "what´s here"-screen and see the ETE instead or maybe together with the distance to that waypoint.Italian ATC (maybe others too?) loves it to ask for that often on VFR-Flights.Tnx for your time, Tim!Renzo
+xTim Dawson - 4/16/2018 4:32:09 PMIf ATC are asking for your ETA at a waypoint further in your route, the PLOG gives this with one touch to access it.For ETA at any other waypoint, yes, we could potentially do better here. The only trouble is if you're expecting SkyDemon to take your route into account, e.g. should we look around corners as we do in the PLOG? Or should we assume the ETA you're asking for is if you flew directly to that point? We'd have to take the wind into account at your current altitude of course.
+xSky Painter - 4/25/2018 10:22:18 AM+xRenzo - 4/25/2018 10:02:36 AM+xTim Dawson - 4/16/2018 4:32:09 PMIf ATC are asking for your ETA at a waypoint further in your route, the PLOG gives this with one touch to access it.For ETA at any other waypoint, yes, we could potentially do better here. The only trouble is if you're expecting SkyDemon to take your route into account, e.g. should we look around corners as we do in the PLOG? Or should we assume the ETA you're asking for is if you flew directly to that point? We'd have to take the wind into account at your current altitude of course.Hi Tim,that´s completely right but the thing I (or better ATC asks for) is an ETE to any particular waypoint independent to your planned route in SD.In the picture you see the red X (our position while havin contact to ATC) and the green X (the waypoint ATC asked for) and you see our planned route (circumnavigating Ronchi CTR, with several waypoints) and our actually flown track through the CTR which was coordinated by ATC. In my "wonderworld of wishes", when I will be asked at the "red X pos" by ATC "...how long do you need to proceed to Ronchi (airport)?" I would like to tap onto RON-airport to get the "what´s here"-screen and see the ETE instead or maybe together with the distance to that waypoint.Italian ATC (maybe others too?) loves it to ask for that often on VFR-Flights.Tnx for your time, Tim!RenzoHi RenzoI apologise if I'm stating the obvious, but couldn't you use the ruler function? Assuming that you've already invoked What's Here and tapped on RON, on Android, all you have to do is tap on Measure from here then tap on the aircraft symbol and you will be provided with ETE, Distance and Bearing To/From. It's even easier on iPad – just touch both points simultaneously!
+xTim Dawson - 4/30/2018 9:08:36 AMI agree that the What's Here menu should show time as well as distance and bearing to/from. Done, for the next version.