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Czech Republic AUP/UUP "live" data in SkyDemon

Adam N
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SkyDemon is awesome and I'm glad to have such a tool available.

After using it for (more) than two years for VFR flight planning and execution,
I'd have a few suggestions and/or feature requests.
Here is one of these:‌
Given the amount of temporary reserved areas within the CZ airspace,
which list is updated on a daily basis (as the MIL OAT flights are planned and acted),
it would be great if a close future version of SkyDemon
would support a download and visualisation of such data.

The source is available from the  (free, no login needed)
 (assembled as an official table of truth by the RLP - Czech AMC).

 I'm sure there will be a more suitable machine-readable feed of this data as well, somewhere.‌‌

You can see their web viewer showing the activated restricted area on :
see the red-filled polygons - those with just a red outline are the areas themselves but not activated,
and the filled ones are the activated ones.
You can play with the time to see how often these do change.

Without having this feature in SkyDemon, every VFR pilot in CZ (or flying through on VFR)
needs to not only plan in SkyDemon, but also to open the AisView web tool,
and re-plan accordingly.
Of course, while on course (flying), one has to always ask via radio (FIS / Praha Info) on the actual last-minute status,
but that is a normal procedure; having a solid plan prepared in advance would be much better,
 sometimes it is not even possible to divert and fly around. Being able to see it on a first sight in SkyDemon would so great !

thank you,

Adam N
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Maybe - could this topic be moved over to the "Charts and Aeronautical Data" section of the forum ?
It might fit in there a little bit more.‌

Even though  it seems to be a feature request, I would expect this type of information to be present along the standard list of NOTAMs already available for Czech Republic (and well shown by SD with no issues). Yet it is not an actual feature of SD as of now... so I hope I have placed this topic correctly (within this forum), although there is no reaction . . .

Tim Dawson
Tim Dawson
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You have placed it correctly and we will simply wait to see how many others want it.

I will say that we couldn't integrate a feature like this for one specific country; it would have to work for many countries and we would need to source the data from a multi-country supplier‌‌ rather than one particular AIS unit.

It is possible that most countries use the NOTAM system appropriate for this, without requiring the pilot to check some other system to determine the use plan for bits of airspace. NOTAMs work quite well in this situation. ‌‌
Adam N
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Thanks Tim, I see the point.

Unfortunately for anyone flying through CZ, these information will ever come only through AUP, and never through NOTAMs.

‌‌‌Everyone shall always check all data from the original sources, that is what I've wrote as well. The same goes for NOTAMs, even though SD shows them live.
So why would  not it show AUP ?
‌For any VFR flying withing CZ (the country is very small and full of reserved/restricted areas), having the AUP data is even more important than NOTAMs (look at the list of CZ NOTAMs and the CZ AUP list, which one is much larger).

SD does not show AUP at the moment, so I have to have two windows / apps open, at the same time, on PC, to actually plan a route - quite not good user's experience given the goals the SD has in this area.
And now imagine doing so on mobile / tablet, or even off-line during flight !

CZ AUP is provided with 24hr advance, and generally stays unchanged on the day it is issued for.‌‌‌ Now when going out to fly, obviously I do not have any Internet connection during that, so how would I check the activity of any AUP described areas ? while SD happily shows me the NOTAMs during the flight (downloaded on before), it does not show any AUP data. And this is what I'm asking to have.
Sure, I can (and always will) call FIR or ATC, to ask, but not every time it is possible at the moment, or convenient (for example, on diversion).
I do understand the issue of maintaining the data sources from various countries - but I'm willing to pay extra to have SD do so, if it comes to that.‌‌‌ Yes.

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I would be a happy if that function could be implemented. I believe that all countries report their AUPs to Eurocontrol. So that should be a starting point. Austria also reports its AUP over the internet.

Knowing which airspaces ‌‌are active would be a great aid in flightplanning as well as actual flying. I am a big fan of having this ability within SD.!!!!

-- Chris.‌‌

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Yes please, from Finland!
There is no anymore NOTAMs about reserved military training areas. That all is only in AUP/UUP. I think that all chanced with SERA. I would guess that is all same in all EASA countries. Is it?
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It would be so helpful to have AUP data be reflected in the map shown in SD. There are countries (like, e.g., the Czech Republic) which have an inordinate number of potentially restricted military airspace. Showing only the active ones on the map would make it a lot easier and a ton more useful to plan and navigate.

-- Chris.‌‌

Tim Dawson
Tim Dawson
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I am not aware of an API available for accessing this data, sorry. Perhaps next year we can schedule some time to investigate.
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It's the same huge problem with airspace reservations in Poland, especially TSA, TRA and MRT airspace, which are always activated by AUP/UUP. Here is a link to the current UUP:

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Can you revise Czechian airspace by referencing to the AisView ?

It's missing some of the airspace boundaries such as TRA GA and other types. Even free projects like the OFM depicts these borders on their maps:

Edited 2/26/2020 5:33:46 PM by 177

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