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Denmark, EKRK, Copenhagen Roskilde vfr data missing (available in dk aip, but does not download)

Denmark, EKRK, Copenhagen Roskilde vfr data missing (available in dk...
Rob Hart
Rob Hart
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Dear Karsten,

Your points are very interesting, and we will take them into consideration as we determine the best way to proceed. From our side, we have two major concerns in response to your points:

- Our reputation : One concern is that if the user sees airspace drawn differently in SkyDemon than in the "official" VAC, then they are very likely to assume that SkyDemon is wrong. This does harm to our reputation as a trustworthy organisation when ironically, it is our airspace depiction which is the correct one. To say that we cannot be blamed as long as we pass on the official documents is not correct, for this reason.

- Other implied errors : If the airspace is indeed wrong, then how can any of the other chart depictions be trustworthy? If Naviair are well known for publishing documents that are out of date in one aspect, surely they cannot be trusted to keep those documents up to date in other aspects?

The main contact at Naviair that I have been speaking to is a Mrs Gitte Sewell Joensen. Previously I was taking to some of her colleagues and I will pass their email addresses over to you in private message shortly.

Edited 9/3/2014 9:08:00 AM by Rob Hart
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At the AIM office in Denmark we are very sorry for all the inconvenience,  the missing correct maps may have caused.
We have tried very hard to find a solution, that not only satisfy the need for correct updated maps, but also satisfy our requirement for quality and traceability.
We are still working on a long term solution - but meanwhile please read this AIC A, that has been issued today.
Best regards
Gitte Joensen
Manager AIM Denmark, Faroe Island and Greenland.

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3 Months later the problem is still not fixed and Roskilde's approach chart still does not appear to have been updated by AIM.An idea on the expected delay before a correction?
Tim Dawson
Tim Dawson
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It's probably best to ask the Danish AIM directly. I'm not sure they monitor this forum.
Tim Dawson
Tim Dawson
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Shifu, this is not a problem with SkyDemon. Please read the thread.
Tim Dawson
Tim Dawson
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If you want to know more about the situation regarding lack of updated Danish visual approach charts, you will need to ask the Danish. This of course applies to all electronic products which may incorporate visual approach charts. The Danish have published AIC A 03/14 which discusses the issue.
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When looking at the VFG from the outside, it must seems like, that nothing has happened for the last year.

But we have been working very hard to find the right solution, get the right equipment, get the right training – and we are now producing charts in Naviairs AIM/Chart office.

Unfortunately VAC charts are not the only charts, that have been waiting for our solution – there are many both VFR and IFR charts in both Denmark, Faroe Island and Greenland – which are the areas, that we cover.

The VAC charts are on its way – the first one – from EKVD– will be published on the 17. of march THIS YEAR – and from now on, the rest will slowly be updated month by month.

Thank you for your patience and have a safe flight.

Edited 2/23/2016 10:17:20 AM by GitteJoensen

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