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Skydemon Navigation Crashing on Android Sony Z3!

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Hi All,

I have a very new Sony Z3 running Android 5.0.2, and Skydemon for Android

It has run well in flight multiple times a day for around 1 month. However, recently, when navigating in GPS mode the app will occasionally crash. It goes from literally running perfectly well to switching/ crashing to the home screen. No freezing before hand and no error messages. I check to see what background apps are running and sure enough it has closed itself. It always starts up again normally when I click on the app again, and picks up the GPS signal pretty quickly but obviously it can be quite disruptive.

It may be also worth noting that I run no other Apps at the same time, there aren't many other apps on the phone and the device temperature isn't too hot or cold, and the GPS signal remains fairly constant. Restarting the device hasn't solved the issue.

Does anyone have any experience of this error or any ideas on how I may go about fixing it?

Many Thanks,

Tim Dawson
Tim Dawson
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It's very puzzling if nothing has changed about your SkyDemon installation. We have not been sent any crash reports, as far as I can tell. Unfortunately it's difficult to obtain the crash log output from Android devices; you'd need to install the Android debugging tools on a connected PC. Since the fixes we made earlier this year we have seen excellent stability on virtually all Android devices even running Lollipop and now with x86 processors too.
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I'm still somewhat new to SkyDemon, but I also encountered severe stability issues with the SkyDemon app on my Sony Experia Z3.

I've used SkyDemon my PC for preflight preparation and only had SkyDemon running as a backup/alternative navigation option during the flight. But it was actually quite unstable and stopped working multiple times during a approx 3 hour flight from Slovakia to Germany.

I've installed the newest version, the Z3 is running 5.0.2

Philipp Nierkamp

Tim Dawson
Tim Dawson
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It's unclear from the tense of your message whether this was a problem in the past, or it's a current problem. You do not mention the version of SkyDemon that you tried with?
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Oh sorry, for not being precise.
SD version (at least that's the version it shows right now)

I've tried SD als inflight navigation aid for the first time on that 'longer' flight on 3rd July.
There I encountered at least 4 or 5 crashes.
But if I remember right, all crashes happened within the alps area, not in the lowlands.
Along the route were multiple airspaces (bratislava, vienna, salzburg, ...) and of course the terrain...
Could that have an effect?

During the flight from Muehldorf (emdy) back to Stuttgart everything was running ok.
But I didn't really use SD - it was running along.

I also did some shorter flights with SD after that and saw only one crash.

Hopefully this is more helpful information now :-)


Tim Dawson
Tim Dawson
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The map complexity shouldn't cause the app to crash of course, but since we do not know the explanation for what you're seeing, it could be anything.

It would be worth trying with the latest 3.3.2 version anyway.
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I don't have a Sony but I had lots of stability problems with Android 5.0.2 on an Nexus7. Downgrading the OS to 4.4.4 or upgrading to 5.1.1 solved all problems, System is rock steady now. Not a single crash in maybe 20 hours. Same with three other friends.

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