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How to download/instal SIDs and STARs for IFR flight using SkyDemon?

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Posts: 24, Visits: 58
First of all thank you very much for a great product. I've only been using it for a few weeks flying VFR in a simulator (xPlane), and I am very satisfied!

A few questions have arisen though:
  • How can I download and use SD with SIDs and STARs? Ive tried looking through the manual, but this seems to not be mentioned.
  • In regards to the VORs / VORDMEs, is it possible to see the radials and their degrees? Is it possible to somehow click the VOR/DME and bring up the radial circle to roughly see which heading/radial to follow navigating towards the VOR/DME? 
It is so geniusly easy to pop up the included "visual approach chart" and "aerodrome chart" etc. as they automatically appear in the right hand plates menu or by clicking the airport. But I haven't found the easy / similar way to automatically see the SIDs / STARs / ILS approaches etc...

Thank you so much in advance =)

Edited 2/4/2015 12:16:37 PM by Anterialis
Sky Painter
Sky Painter
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Anterialis (2/4/2015)
  • In regards to the VORs / VORDMEs, is it possible to see the radials and their degrees? Is it possible to somehow click the VOR/DME and bring up the radial circle to roughly see which heading/radial to follow navigating towards the VOR/DME? 

If you are using an Android device, long press on the VOR, tap on the VOR in the resulting What's Here pop-up box, then tap on Track Waypoint and SD will provide a 'Bearing To' and 'Distance To' continuously updated in real time. I'm not familiar with the procedure if using an iOS device, but it will be very similar.

Can't help you with SID's and STAR's, but since SD is primarily a VFR tool, it's unlikely that you will be able to achieve what you want.

Samsung Galaxy Tab A8 – Android 11.0 & SD
Huawei P30 – Android 11.0 & SD
PC – Windows 10 (Home Ed) Version 22H2, Build 19045.
5555, SD

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SD is a VFR tool, so there is no support for loading SIDs or STARs into the route. You can download the SID and STAR plates just as you would with any AIP page.
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Posts: 24, Visits: 58
Thank you very much for your replies!
I currently only have a trial version, but would the correct way to download a SID be to use "Plate -> Tools -> Download AIP"? Or do I have to download these charts through iTunes? 

Tim Dawson
Tim Dawson
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SID and STAR documents are available in the Plates window; just change the Filtering settings in that window. SkyDemon is a VFR product so such documents are turned off by default.
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Posts: 24, Visits: 58
Thank you so much Tim Dawson! I guess I misunderstood the previous posters here. It was stated that SIDs and STARs cannot be entered into the route which I guess still applies. Anyways this is what I wanted all along, a way for me to "look up" SIDs and STARs when flying. Im sorry if I formulated myself badly.
Thousands thank you's!
Edited 2/5/2015 12:35:38 PM by Anterialis

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