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Nexus 7 warning and question

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Yes, pressing back and replying yes to the "are you sure you want to exit" windows.

Sky Painter
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Tim Dawson (12/11/2014)
The new beta is there...

If I wish to download and install the new beta, do I have to uninstall the current installation first?

Samsung Galaxy Tab A8 – Android 11.0 & SD
Huawei P30 – Android 11.0 & SD
PC – Windows 10 (Home Ed) Version 22H2, Build 19045.
5555, SD

Tim Dawson
Tim Dawson
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I don't think so, but I do not know for sure.
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As soon as you're upgrading, and not downgrading, there is no need to uninstall the previous version.

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Nexus 7 (2013), Android Lollipop 5.0.1 + latest beta

I flew with the beta today (2 x 1 hour trips).  It dropped out to the home screen once on the outbound leg but not on the return. . Running it again starts it in planning mode with no trace of the flight so far. I also had a drop out during planning and one running it with a Flight sim in X-plane mode when I got home.  There appears to be no pattern to the drop outs and I don't think it has anything to do with Andriod screen timeouts as it ran for 1 hour coming back. A drop out in X-plane mode also  seems to exclude GPS related. Worth noting perhaps that the tablet does not crash or hang when this happens.

Edited 12/15/2014 9:37:50 AM by SteveN
Sky Painter
Sky Painter
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Re: Android Lollipop 5.0.1

Unable to fly at the moment, so carried out extensive testing of the new SD beta in simulation mode today.

I experienced no screen timeouts under any circumstances, so that particular glitch seems to have been sorted. However, I experienced frequent exits to the home screen (dropouts), but they do not appear to follow any pattern or sequence of events and appear to be quite random.

Having installed the beta, when I first started SD, I went straight into simulation mode, without planning a route, and even after several screen re-orientations, and changing various navigation options, I did not experience any dropouts, and began to think that the you had cracked it! However, my optimism was short lived. After carrying out some tests with a planned route (more of which later), I returned to simulation mode with no planned route, and on every occasion, SD dropped out immediately after very briefly displaying the chart.

Experimenting with a planned route, dropouts occurred quite randomly. Initially, all went well, and any number of changes of screen orientation did not cause a dropout. The first dropout occurred when I changed the map orientation from 'north up' to 'course up' but I was unable to replicate this. Subsequently, further dropouts occurred, from time to time, but quite randomly, when changing screen orientation. Changing various navigation variables during the 'flight' did not cause any dropouts, other than the first mentioned above (changing from 'north up' to 'course. up').

When re-starting SD after each dropout, it would re-start in planning mode, sometimes with the planned route shown, and sometimes without the route shown, but again, it seemed to be quite random.  Occasionally, SD would dropout immediately after re-start, without even momentarily displaying the chart.

I may be barking up the wrong tree here, but it appears that SD is stable until 'something' triggers the first dropout, and thereafter dropouts can occur frequently, but quite randomly.

I've done a lot of reading around the Android forums in the last few days, and it's clear that there are problems with Lollipop, but I'm not sure that Google are doing much about it. Lollipop 5.0.1 is a revision of the original Lollipop and I get the impression that Google think it fixed all problems!

As far as I can tell, all my other apps are working as they should,but problems may surface later. Significantly perhaps, they all downloaded and installed updates as soon as Lollipop launched for the first time.

I don't have the necessary expertise to attempt a roll back to Kit Kat, so I'll stick with SD on my HTC One for the time being and hope that it won't be too long before the problem is sorted. I just hope HTC don't attempt an automatic OTA update to Lollipop as Google did with my Nexus! 

I'm not sure that any of this feedback is of any use, because it's obviously Lollipop that's at fault, but I hope that you might be able glean something from it.

Samsung Galaxy Tab A8 – Android 11.0 & SD
Huawei P30 – Android 11.0 & SD
PC – Windows 10 (Home Ed) Version 22H2, Build 19045.
5555, SD

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My experience of the latest Beta is much like Sky Painter above.

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I must confess I'm  a little unhappy with  Skydemon's statement above asking us to stop posting problems with Lollipop though I concede it related to 5.0. Google's 5.0.1 bug fix is what uploaded to my Nexus 7 and everything seems stable (to date) except Skydemon.

As I have a Dynon Skyview I also pay a PocketFMS subcription for their navdata. That means I also have a EasyVFR license and to be fair EasyVFR was also broken by Lollipop 5.0.1 upgrade. This was a hard error (Marmalade v7.4.0 [401804]) not random like Skydemon so easier to resolve. PocketFMS quickly produced a beta to fix it which I downloaded and EasyVFR appears stable now on 5.0.1.

Note Lollipop 5.0 broke TomTom, they produced a fix. Navfree GPS navigator also works fine.

So all my apps now work fine apart from Skydemon. From this users perspective 5.0.1 also appears faster so I've decided to stick with 5.0.1 and hope Skydemon will relent and work on their own fix/workaround.

Nexus 7 (2013), Android Lollipop 5.0.1, Skydemon

Tim Dawson
Tim Dawson
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Can anybody who is still experiencing a crash with the latest beta actually send us a crash log? (logcat output)
So far nobody has done this, and we need it if we are to debug what might be going wrong.
Sky Painter
Sky Painter
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Tim Dawson (12/15/2014)
Can anybody who is still experiencing a crash with the latest beta actually send us a crash log? (logcat output)
So far nobody has done this, and we need it if we are to debug what might be going wrong.

If you tell me where to find it please, I'll gladly send a crash log.

Samsung Galaxy Tab A8 – Android 11.0 & SD
Huawei P30 – Android 11.0 & SD
PC – Windows 10 (Home Ed) Version 22H2, Build 19045.
5555, SD


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