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SD Exits When in Flight on Nexus 7 32 Gb (Android v 4.4.2 SD Version

SD Exits When in Flight on Nexus 7 32 Gb (Android v 4.4.2 SD Version...
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Nexus 7 32 Gb (Android v 4.4.2 Current SD Version

This current version (and indeed previous versions) seem to "exit" during Navigation mid flight (sometimes half an hour or so into the flight). I then have to re-open the app and are presented with the "Welcome to SkyDemon" screen where I have to select "I Agree" again, and then click on the "Go flying" button to resume in flight navigation.

This has happened several times, and is evidenced by my flight logs often being split into two or more.

Any ideas anyone, it is very frustrating.

I have a full SD licence so it's not due to demo mode (I hope)
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Same NEXUS,Same android,same probs !!
No idea ?
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Ah, so I'm not the only one :-)

Is this forum the right place to raise a support query with SD?
Tim Dawson
Tim Dawson
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There is a thread about this instability experienced by some users in the Beta forum. We are working on it and making progress. Thank you for reporting it. There is already a beta available which addresses some of the issues, though it isn't perfect, at the link below.
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I have the same problem and tried several versions and betas. Nothing really helps. I hope for a quick solution, as at the moment SD is not usable on android. The error is reported sind december 2013. SD is able to reproduce these crash in the lab, so I hope a solution can be found within the next weeks.
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Probably a similar difficulty. I have a new nexus 7 2013 and full SD license. SD keeps seizing and the screen displays "Sky Demon not responding/working". I have been so pleased with the programme on my desktop (Win7) and laptop (Win8) and seeing it working on a friends Nexus 7 so really disappointed with the result on my Nexus unit. Scared of using a Beta programme
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It is strange SD was perfect for weeks just after signing the full subscription. Now it crashes often after an initial time period of up to 1 hour after a fully restart of the tablet. A second Nexus, from my son, seems to be more stable, although hardware and softare are fully idetical.

The mostly horrible crash was in the CTR of Hanburg, just approaching the VRP. I was happy to be in good VFR conditions. On IOS from a friend it works perfect, but nobody wants to leave the android word, on which the other devices are, just for this reason.

I have confidence SD will solve the problem during the next weeks.
Edited 5/11/2014 7:57:25 PM by alberto
Tim Dawson
Tim Dawson
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There will be a new beta later today with even further improved stability.

vpsj, the instability we refer to is a crash. If you are experiencing a lockup this is likely a different issue and one that we currently do not have any insight into.

The uncontrolled nature of the Android world is such that two seemingly identical devices can produce very different results when running the same software. That's just the way it is. That is one of the reasons software tends to be more stable on iOS; it's simply easier to reproduce any problems that people do experience.
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Thanks Tim. I am going to do a factory reset of the Nexus when I next get a good internet connection and a fresh download of Sky Demon just to see if other programmes were interfering and also to ensure a 'clean' download.
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Did a factory reset and reloaded Sky Demon. All working fine so far. Did NOT reload TomTom or the BBC App. Only have Sky Demon and the usual rubbish one cannot get rid of on the machine now.

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