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Skydemon displaying PFLARM conflicting traffic info

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Posts: 14, Visits: 66
Just got PFLARM going with a nexus10 using butterfly to Wifi to it.
Seems good so far, Flown once for a short flight. Spotted a couple of gliders (green plane shape showing direction with height next to it +3.5 for example) also commercial into luton (ADS-B) presumably.
Yet to see any mode S or C displayed.
Of course it will be the non transponder plane that hits me out of the blue.
But so far impressed.
Using a LX avionics PFLARM core brick in a Europa. Just needed power to install.
I tried to find information on what to expect on the display but couldnt find any info.

Europa farm strip flyer, Bedfordshire, UK
Tim Dawson
Tim Dawson
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I think we're still in the process of writing some documentation for the PowerFlarm integration. I think bearingless targets may be turned off by default, you can check in your Navigation Options.
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yep some documentation would be useful. I found the option to turn on bearingless targets yesterday, that probably accounts for not seeing Mode C/S traffic.
Clarification of any order of start up would be useful too. If one hits Goflying does that automatically pick up PFLARM; does one have to be running before the other? I had problems picking up the wifi yesterday but it maybe that the bufferfly connect has stopped working.

I have it on the a 2013 nexus7 now. SD seems to be ok.

Oh and I can say, for the uniformed; other aircraft are shown as small green planes, pointing in the direction they are flying with a number next to them saying height difference, for example +2.5.
I presume conflicting traffic would show as a red plane.

Europa farm strip flyer, Bedfordshire, UK
Edited 10/6/2013 8:35:09 PM by Birdyboy
Tim Dawson
Tim Dawson
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To go flying with a PowerFlarm device, you open the Setup menu in SkyDemon, select PowerFlarm, then Go Flying.
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Still struggling with getting this going, first by bufferfly wifi broke. The replacement seemed to work in the hangar a few weeks back. Just been up this afternoon and couldnt get the nexus and pflarm to talk to each other. First attempt since hangar test.
The nexus7 had the wifi link to the bufferfly connect, good signal strength, etc.
Skydemon attempted to find it but couldn't (the code is correct)
Tried on the ground to power cycle both and retried several times restarting skydemon, starting and stopping navigating, disabled wifi and re-enabled etc
1. is there an indication in skydemon that its getting PFLARM comms or that its active? (Seems like an essential requirement)
2. is there an order with wifi should the skydemon be up before the wifi/PFLARM.
3. does skydemon keep on trying ? once it had failed it didn't seem to want to try again ( came back with fail immediately)
4. should the nexus 'discover' the wifi in settings before using skydemon?

I'll try LX avionics as well to see if John has any clues.

Europa farm strip flyer, Bedfordshire, UK
Tim Dawson
Tim Dawson
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If SkyDemon cannot connect to your PowerFlarm, then you cannot enter the PowerFlarm Go Flying mode. Only if a connection is successful (whereupon SkyDemon will receive GPS and contact data from PowerFlarm) will SkyDemon enter Go Flying mode, assuming you are initiating the connection from the Setup -> PowerFlarm menu.
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Posts: 14, Visits: 66
I have it working now. I got the nexus to find the butterfly connect WiFi first and then skydemon setup pflarm go flying. With it active, skydemon takes the GPS feed from it as well as traffic data. A couple of times I lost gps and the only way to recover was to restart skydemon, a bit tricky while flying. Maybe I need to look at the GPS antenna positioning.
Nice to see traffic appearing though.

Europa farm strip flyer, Bedfordshire, UK

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