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Nexus 7 and Skydemon

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I don't seem to be able to find routes saved in cloud on the PC on the Nexus 7. Can anyone say why?
Tim Dawson
Tim Dawson
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If you save a route to the cloud from your Nexus 7, do you see it then?
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We have just about abandoned out nav unit and use the nexus 7 for every flight, ( even bought a backup that my flying partner uses.) positioned right in the cockpit it is better than our flymap and would like to compare it to an Ipad.

help mogas
Paul Walton
Paul Walton
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Hi Robin

Just a bit of feedback on your question about the Nexus 7.
I'm a relative newcomer to SD. I've been using it a couple of months now on the Nexus 7 and must say that contrary to much of the chit-chat, I find the Nexus an excellent platform.
The size / aspect ratio of the device suits my flex-wing perfectly and I can't say that I've experienced any real problems with device that have been reported by others. It's a tiny bit "laggy" sometimes, but not so as to greatly hinder operation. True, I think it's most comfortable planning flights on a desktop and saving/retrieving via the cloud, rather than using the device itself for planning but perhaps this is true of all small(ish) tablets? Battery life is also very good (I'm getting 8-9 hours) and I have confidently flown cross-country without an external power supply plugged-in.

Since the upgrade to SD v2.7, I find the functionality is catching up nicely with other platforms (iPAD, etc.) and being a recent convert from the CAA 1/4mil charts, I have found that I have quickly overcome my early fears about not having enough detail on the charts. This has been helped a great deal by SD's ability to program user-defined waypoints, and using the "Custom Data" functionality gives lots of opportunity for programming in personal stuff like private airstrips, user-defined VRP's, etc. I've even entered the coordinates for the various Altimeter Setting Regions up and down the country which now appear nicely on my UK chart. So overall, I'm dead pleased with the way the Android version is coming along and don't regret at all having gone for the Nexus 7.

Incidentally, I've just upgraded to Android 4.3 and like others, found that SD was very unstable on this version. The patch mentioned elsewhere on the forum solved the problem instantly, though.


robin culley
robin culley
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Posts: 3, Visits: 83
Thanks Paul .

Very helpful !

The New Nexus is soon to launch , so will wait to see how compatible it is with S D . before I plunge .


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Just to say I've got the new Nexus 7, and SD runs a treat on it (at least from the planning perspective).

Hope to do a decent flight with it soon to test the navigation mode...

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I have Sky Demon on the previous generation Nexus 7. I used it for the first time at the weekend, in a PA28.

I couldn't see anywhere to fix a holder so I used in on my lap in a case.

The first thing to say is this is a whole new world if you've not used this kind of device before. The weather was hazy and the terrain of Lincolnshire and Norfolk is not easy to follow on a map. Use SD, and it's dead easy to get to where you want and locate little fields difficult to pick out from the air.

Note the planned heading from the log, take-off and then align the projected flight path with your intended route and set the heading bug. Then relax and enjoy the countryside.

I planned the trip on the PC and downloaded via the Cloud facility. I printed out all the stuff first, just in case. As a result I didn't do anything sophisticated in the air - just arrive downwind at both destinations. In both cases and I didn't follow the planned routes rigidly - doing a diversion along the coast. plus skirt a few ATZs to avoid unnecessary chatter.

In this context the whole thing worked just fine and is entirely readable in the cockpit.
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Posts: 2, Visits: 20
Hi All.

Has anybody had any problems with SD on a Nexus 7 ( 2013 version).
I occasionally get the message WAITING FOR LOCATION DATA. This seems to happen in the first few minutes of the flight then seems to work fine.
My Aircraft is a Sportcruiser with a very large canopy!
Does anyone use a Garmin GLO or similar with this device?

Many Thanks.

Frank Pilkington
Tim Dawson
Tim Dawson
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That message isn't a problem with SkyDemon, it's just SkyDemon telling you that it is not being given location data by your system. This means either your system doesn't have a GPS fix, or it's not being passed to SkyDemon (we can't tell which).
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I have downloaded the GPS test app from Google and it shows that the Nexus is receiving about 12 Sats on average with good signals.
Also google earth works very well and is very accurate.
This would confirm that the Nexus is working OK?
Maybe I should try a new download from SD???

Many Thanks.

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