robin culley
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Has any experience using nexus7 with Skydemon as it looks like an ideal size and aide in our Jab 430 and priced buy .
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There are several very long threads over on Flyer forum about this. Personally, at the present moment in time I would not recommend the Nexus.
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While what Steve says is accurate, it depends on your intended use is for the Nexus. If it's for an in cockpit device to use to fly a plan that you've made on a PC, then it's perfect. It is currently a little clunky (with some devices worse than others) when manually scrolling around a chart like you would do when planning or (perhaps) in flight when looking for alternates etc. That said, I've been using mine since the early Android betas came out. It's certainly more than adequate for my main use. Andy
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As a tablet, I find the Nexus 7 just perfect. Skydemon for Android is getting better with each version but still a bit unstable on mine. I have perfect GPS reception inside the cockpit (BE36) without external GPS. The screen is quite reflective and may need a filter fitted. If you prepare the route an a desktop PC and then send to cloud, it would be fine. Creating a complicated route on the Nexus 7, except by typing in the waypoints, is a bit unstable still.
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I have just been around multiple countries in southern Europe using a Nexus 7 and Skydemon, as a backup nav display and to try out the Android version.
1. The aircraft specs I set would not save, the details of fuel capacity burn etc seemed to revert to some preferred figures, not what I chose.
2. Touching the screen for any purpose tended to come up annoyingly with "Create new waypoint" even if I was just trying to scroll around.
3. I had some confusing issues comparing Jeppesen charts to Skydemon, especially in Italy, though it is hard now to identify what exactly the issues were.
4. As reported on the Flyer forum, the Nexus was fine in the air but not good for planning due to annoying delayed response of the screen display.
5. The inability to change a route while in flying mode is an aggravation, most of my routes were changed significantly due to weather or clearances to take shortcuts etc.
6. Facilities requiring an internet connection may not be available to the touring pilot. Therefore things like the VAC plates should be storable en masse on the device so as to be available on demand in the air. VFR flying involves ad-hoc diversions and plan changes.
7. Likewise country charts should be storable on the device without having them weighing down performance by having them loaded. This does seem to be possible at present, but unloading a chart means it can only be reloaded via the internet; no good in the air or where there is no internet available. This is quite an issue when you may be flying an uncertain weather-driven track through multiple countries, as I was last week.
8. I have not got to grips with the plates available for purchase yet, but the deal seems to be country-by-country purchases with only France available free? So say visiting one airfield in Germany would make the purchase of all its VACs unnecessarily expensive.
However it is a pretty good product overall and I look forward to the Android version getting up to the same standard as the Windows one, as soon as possible.
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stevelup (16/05/2013)
There are several very long threads over on Flyer forum about this. Personally, at the present moment in time I would not recommend the Nexus. --------------------- I tried the Samsung P6800 and SD reveals quite unstable. If you do not recommend the Nexus, which one can you recommend ? I like very much SD, but if I do not find an appropriate device ... Is your own device the only good solution ? The IPAD requires an external GPS, so really it is very difficult to make a choice. CORRECTION: Today I reinitialized my tablet, reinstalled SD and all the problems disappeared ! So, in principle, I will try flying when the weather will allow me ... the Samsung GT 7.7 (P6800) works perfectly in simulation and in planning. And this tablet has an excellent GPS. NEW CORRECTION. Some days after the reinitialisation of the tablet, the instability of SD is back ... it crashes very easily just touching the menu button, trying to find some information while flying. I put again my question, that did not had any answer : is there an Android tablet that works well with SD ? on smaller size, SD works fine on the Samsung Galaxy S2 (I use it as backup)
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Any more feedback on the Nexus 7 performance with the latest version of SD? There was some feedback on the flyer forums that suggested it was much improved? I spent a good while in Tescos at the weekend playing with a N7, really liked it but a little unconvinced about the display brightness? A bit of research afterwards discovered this:, which says the N7's display is only 312 nits? I already have access to a Galaxy Tab2 10.1, SD looks great on it and the display is very good (pretty much sunlight readable at full brightness). The issues are that it's a bit big for flying with, and it's also used by all of the family. If I'm using a tablet for SD I'd prefer to keep it 'clean' and not have kids installing every crappy game on it. I could look at the Galaxy Tab2 7" but like the 10.1 it is an older tablet & has a slower processor than the N7. The Galaxy Note 8.0 looks good but really too expensive. I may consider the Note 2 for my next phone but I also read that the display on this does not have great brightness. I would like 3G on the tablet and am looking at the £0/mth data only contract from ovivo mobile. There's pic somewhere on the flyer forums (can't seem to find it now) of a N7 suction mounted in a low wing cockpit with reasonably good readability but not in direct sunlight conditions? Seems like this is a good size tablet allowing for both suction and "leg" mounting  Would also be interested to know if there are any other good tablets for SD out there? Regards Gavin.
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I am running SD on a Nexus 7. I like it for planning. However, I am not using it in cockpit, and my impression is that the brightness (or lack of it) would be a problem. I am running SD on a GliderGuider for in cockpit use - the smaller (5 inch) size suits me better, and the brightness is superb. However, this is a Win CE unit, which does not have the full planning facilities, so you have to do your planning on a PC and then sync the mobile unit. I don't have a way of syncing the Win CE unit from the Nexus 7 - I think it needs to be synced with a USB connection.
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Brightness on my Nexus 7 has been just fine in the PA28s I fly. I just clip it in my kneeboard, which means I can move it around if glare is a serious issue. Even in direct sunlight it's been pretty good though to be honest. Andy
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Having used my N7 four times now in flight with SD, I would give it 8 out of ten. screen visibility is as good as any other tablets we have looked at and better than most. My biggest issue is how slow it becomes when you load other charts than british, then it gets real chunky. ll in all a great move forward .
help mogas