Must have chosen some accurate intersections!
Re MATZ, agree it does not matter much at all. Just interesting.
Your comparison to road junctions is interesting. Although our aeronautical data is all accurate, our geographical scenery, which includes roads and coastline, is public domain data which can be off in some places by up to a mile. We deem this acceptable in SkyDemon as it's for aeronautical navigation, but do be aware of the possibility.
Thanks for this. As you see this has caught my imagination. Have done some checks as you suggest and I realise it does not matter much anyway as MATZ boundaries are not legal for us and you explained they do not have proper co-ordinates.
Doing some checks, I conclude as follows:
But in the scheme of things very trivial I accept. Just need to be aware that there may be differences re MATZ boundaries when exporting routes to Garmin.
You can actually verify this yourself. When creating user waypoints SkyDemon allows you to define them with reference to existing waypoints. Create a user waypoint 7nm out on a bearing of 083 from Cranwell aerodrome and call it StubMiddle. Then create a user waypoint 2nm out from StubMiddle on a bearing of 173 and that user waypoint should lie pretty much (within 0.1nm) on the stub boundary.
I would be concerned if there were even a 1/4 mile error in any SkyDemon airspace data.
Thanks for reply.
My answers to your Qs are as follows:
2. Have spoken to appropriate people in UK AIP. There is a discrepancy bewteen their published data and the CAA chart (which shows Husthwaite in right place). Will get this fixed.
Just trying to provide useful feedback so that we all make most of your excellent software.
The location of Husthwaite airfield is taken directly from the UK AIP, which published information about microlighting sites. If they have got it wrong, please inform them.
Flew from N Yorks to Boston today. Part of route was throgh the stub between Cranwell and Coningsby. I particularly noticed a difference of some 0.5 miles between Garmin (Jeppesen) and SkyDemon re the southern stub boundary. According to SD I reached the s Boundary about 0.5 miles before Garmin said so. One has to be wrong. Pains me to say it but suspect Jeppesen is correct.
Other than that 8410/SD worked flawlessly.
Also location of my home field, Husthwaite is wrong in SD. I know this because when you are on the runway, airfield loaction on SD is about 0.3 miles south.
Conversely, all roads are exactly right .. going by test when just driving about.
Any thoughts Tim?