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remove unwanted waypoints in android.

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Posts: 37, Visits: 157
Could someone offer advice on this?also how to edit a waypoint.

help mogas
Edited 5/31/2013 12:01:35 PM by fuzzflyer
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Posts: 149, Visits: 2.4K
I have the same problem, I cannot delete waypoints in my Android device and SD cracks if I try to download a new set of waypoints from the cloud. I would like to know where is the waypoint file, to delete it. Another question, is there a maximum number of waypoints ? As Natural Parcs areas are not in your maps, I defined them using waypoints (only two of them) and probably I arrived to the maximum. Is there a solution?
I found the way for deleting, it can be done from the list of waypoints. But even after deleting several waypoints, the programme cracks when I try to download the set of wp that is in the cloud. This is really a problem.
Edited 6/3/2013 8:51:18 PM by guille
Tim Dawson
Tim Dawson
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There is no maximum number of waypoints in SkyDemon. Instructions for deleting and managing waypoints are in the product documentation.

I'm unsure what a "crack" is; if the program is crashing then it is possible your device may not be suitable for running SkyDemon.
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Posts: 149, Visits: 2.4K
Yes, you are right, the GT P6800 is a very nice tablet, but it is not good for SkyDemon. I am selling it and I alredy bought an Ipad mini.

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