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Red aircraft icon during flying

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Group: Forum Members
Posts: 2, Visits: 17
Hi All,

I’ve got an iPad 4 with in-built GPS and I’m looking to get the SD application on a 30-day trial and then if all is ok to purchase SD.

I’ve come across a couple of reports that suggest the GPS within the iPad 4 may be a little limited and an external GPS unit paired with the iPad 4 might be a better solution. Amongst those suggested are the Garmin GLO, having the advantage of a GLONASS capability. This is a Bluetooth option rather then a direct plug in to the iPad 4, as would be the case with something like Bad Elf.

Anyone used the iPad 4 / Garmin GLO combination? and if so any feedback would be much appreciated.


Alan G.

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Posts: 2, Visits: 6
Thanks for the quick reply! I'll try next flight and post the resultsSmile

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If it's red, then that means the GPS signal hasn't changed for the past few seconds, and SD assumes it has been lost.

One setting on the iPad which massively improves the reliability of external GPS devices is:-

Settings > Privacy > Location Services > (Scroll all the way to the bottom) > System Services

Turn off 'Setting Time Zone' and then reboot your device.
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Group: Forum Members
Posts: 2, Visits: 6
Dear fellow skydemon users,

I've been using skydemon for my integrated ATPL study for about 3 months now. I'm using the software on my ipad 3 with an external gps (Garmin GLO with bluetooth) to track and log my solo flights for review. The software has been running great, however since last week my flight logs are messed up and i can't figure out why. The logs (breadcrumbs) are missing parts of data and showing completely different tracks. I haven't made any changes to my set-up although I did notice my aircraft icon was red during flight while it used to be yellow.
Can anyone help me out? Thanks in advance!


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