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Garmin GLO

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Posts: 309, Visits: 1.6K
Is Garmin GLO (seen in Harry Mendelssohn's and other pilot shops) usable in conjunction with SkyDemon? Can anyone using it let us have their feedback please? Many Thanks.

Very Newbytheway

Ian Hibbert
Ian Hibbert
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Posts: 38, Visits: 297
Yes, fantastic locks on very quickly and stays there, iPad automatically finds and connects without any issues. Flew to Gloucester without it, dropped track a couple of times with the in built GPS (latest iPad), bought it from Transair and flew back with rock solid signal to Sywell (Robin DR400).


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Posts: 309, Visits: 1.6K
Many thanks Ian, I note the Pros or some of them. Any cons or bewares? It seems I am going to treat myself to one for the Good Season!

Very Newbytheway

Ian Hibbert
Ian Hibbert
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Posts: 38, Visits: 297
Not noticed any cons as yet as it's fairly early days, particulary good that it uses both GPS and GLONASS satellite systems.


Ian Hibbert
Ian Hibbert
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Posts: 38, Visits: 297
...correction, it did go flat on me after storage - however, this was probably user error not switching it off correctly I suspect! There is a power input that can be used from the aircraft cig supply (along with all the other gadgets) so no problem,

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Posts: 309, Visits: 1.6K
Many thanks Ian,
I have ordered one from Harry Mendelssohn.
Please accept my Season's Greetings.

Very Newbytheway

Paul Mahony
Paul Mahony
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Posts: 39, Visits: 424

I bought the aviation version of the Garmin GLO and found it performs faultlessly and with spot-on accuracy when blue-toothed with my iPad 3 running the absolutely marvellous SkyDemon App. The only problem I have is forgetting to turn it off when I leave the cockpit.

I mounted it on top of the coaming of my CTSW and decided to use some discrete Velcro instead of the rather large (and ugly looking) mount that is supplied with it - and which didn't tend to stay in place on top of the coaming anyway. Because it sits slightly above my eye level, I fail to notice the little blue and green LEDs which tell me that the device is still switched on. IMHO, probably the only shortcoming of the device is that Garmin did not make it have an auto-off function when (say) the bluetooth connection was lost after a set period of time.

I fed the supplied 12V power supply cable to it through one of the aircraft's coaming forward vents where the coaming and windscreen meet. Therefore, forgetting to turn the GLO off is not a huge issue as when you come to power up the aircraft again, the Garmin will run off aircraft power as well as recharging its internal battery.

A more 'professional' solution has been to amend my shut-down checklist to include switching off the Garmin GLO!

I wonder if Garmin are able to do an auto-off function in a future software upgrade?

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Posts: 309, Visits: 1.6K
Thank you Grila for the detailed insight.

Forgetting the device on seems the only drawback. The auto-shut-off function via software upgrade would be ideal, but inclusion in the check-list would be another way round it.

I must say I have not had the chance to use mine yet (working away), but did not realise that that there were different versions of Garmin GLO, when you mentioned an (aviation version). I seem to think that all must be the same and work in the air or at least hope mine would work in the aeroplane, having bought it from Harry Mendelssohn.

If you know otherwise, please expand so that other pilots (myself included) would be better informed.

Very Newbytheway

Edited 12/26/2012 4:31:28 AM by Runways
Paul Mahony
Paul Mahony
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Posts: 39, Visits: 424
Hi Runways,

I think both the 'normal' and the 'aviation' versions of the GLO receivers are actually identical in technical specification.

The extra money that the 'aviation' version costs brings you a charging lead which has a mini USB at the GLO receiver end and a regular size USB on the other end, a 12V/24V cigarette-lighter plug charging lead with mini USB at the GLO receiver end, an anti-skid mount and a 6 month trial for Garmin-Pilot software.

The 'normal' version of the Garmin GLO just gives you the USB charging lead in the box.

The set-up in my aircraft is a 12V cigarette-lighter socket flush mounted into the instrument panel. Into this socket I have pushed a "Power-Mini" twin USB outlet adapter. This adapter is available off eBay and is very compact but, most importantly, it has a normal 1 amp outlet and a high-power 2.1 amp output which is needed to run/charge an iPad whilst it is being used. Into the 1 amp USB socket on the adapter goes the USB charging lead for the GLO.

In hindsight, as I didn't end up using the 12V/24V cigarette plug charging lead (because it sticks out too far from the cigarette-lighter socket and I needed to charge two items from the socket) or the anti-skid mount or the Garmin-Pilot software, I could have saved myself some money and just bought the 'normal' version! Ho-Hum!

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Posts: 309, Visits: 1.6K
Many thanks for the clarification and the link Paul.

I bought a couple of cigarette lighter to USB adapters from Maplin a year ago. One was 1 Amp with two slots and the second 2.1 Amps with single slot as per photo below.

Now, I know that you can get both in one little gadget, as in the link you kindly sent.

Garmin GLO spec says that it would last up to 12 hours after a full charge and presumably can be charged in the car on the way back from the airport, ready for the next flight, If I do not forget, that is!

On balance I may get a couple from your supplier as a stand-by to keep in the aeroplane.

Many thanks for the link and the clarification. I feel sure I am not the only one that benefited from your experience.

Very Newbytheway


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