Just a little note that came to my attention after I purchased Garmin GLO.
Looking at the Specs of the later models of iPAD & iPAD
mini as advertised by Apple company (after my purchasing event

!) I note a referance to their
internal GPS being able to receive GPS + GLONASS , denovo. This means that GLO may not be a necessary addition afterall. That is other than using GLO as a convenient well placed wireless & out of the way, remote antenna.
As far as Bad Elf, It seems to support :
1. EGNOS (Western European),
2. MSAS (Japan and East Asia) &
3. WAAS (North America).
...But Bad Elf does not utilise GLOSNASS
I am not too sure of the significance or impact of that on using Bad Elf versus Garmin Glo in air navigation in the UK or Europe. The European more sophisticated Galileo is not operational yet.
Any one with a different view/experience/suggestion is welcome to comment.
Very Newbytheway