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SkyDemon & Windows 8

Tim Dawson
Tim Dawson
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Until such time as we say we're working on an Android version, you should probably assume we are not working on one.
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Thanks Tim for letting me know it is a tough port. As a non techie that really turns me off Windows phone and RT. I was going to be an early adopter as I bought into MS pitch that with native C++ code and built around the same core kernel as the desktop version a port was very little work from Windows. Now you suggest that it is as hard as a full platform port then the benefits and uptake of WinRT and WinPhone 8 are questionable Much like others here I am bored of iOS but that Ipad mini may just be the best device available to run SD. Although some of those full win8pro tablets at the Win8 launch look sweet, very thin but still 10 inch+.

As an idea Tim , why don't SD announce to the forum community a cost of Android/WinRT development and run it as a crowdfunded project like your own Give us a total to hit and our investment is a prepayment for the service?
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As an idea Tim , why don't SD announce to the forum community a cost of Android/WinRT development and run it as a crowdfunded project like your own Give us a total to hit and our investment is a prepayment for the service?

Obviously I can't answer for Tim, but I would suspect that it is more about time than money. Just throwing money at something rarely helps.
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Posts: 16, Visits: 58
Don't forget the Intel version of the Microsoft Surface is available from January, which will run native Windows 8

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Posts: 24, Visits: 610
Having previously owned an iphone I am reluctant to consider buying another Apple product due to the highly restrictive nature of their hardware and software. I've nothing against Apple per se, just the inflexibility of their products.
To that end I don't think there is too much to gain from Windows RT as it's a similarly closed system which is only able to run apps downloaded from their app store (or whatever they are going to call it). True, some of the RT tablets may be more flexible than ipad in some ways, e.g. connectivity.

I'm very happy with Android as a phone os but not totally convinced that I want my main tablet (which I'm currently in the market for) to run it - although it would provide an excellent selection of low cost devices for SD if an Android version of SD was available. Windows sounds like it might be the right tablet os, but it has to be full Windows 8 for SD. I expect there should be no issue running SD (planning AND navigation) on any of the upcoming full Windows 8 tablets like the Lenovo Thinkpad Tablet 2, Asus Vivotab (not vivotab RT), Dell Latitude 10, etc, as well as Surface Pro. Some of these should be less expensive than Surface Pro. Can anyone confirm that Surface Pro will have GPS by the way?

This should hopefully provide a selection of SD-friendly tablets for non Apple fans Wink Still not cheap, but remember if you want an ipad with onboard GPS you need to buy the 3G versions, meaning even an ipad mini will cost around £449 for the 32GB version!!

Think I'll wait until the new year to properly evaluate the Win8 tablets. In the mean time I may get something like a Galaxy Tab 2 10.1 for general purpose use (including wife & kids) as it can be had for as little as £180 with the current Samsung cashback Cool

Edited 11/30/2012 11:11:44 AM by madgav
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I am trying to install SD on the Surface Pro but have some kind of issue with the dot net framework.

In answer to the RT version... I cannot see why RT is there. I currently have maybe 10 or more win8 devices for demo purposes and I am very enthusiastic. The Surface pro is a must have ... but also devices like the Asus Vivotab Smart are super, run full Windows .. is fast .. can definitely compete with an Ipad and is relatively cheap.

Skydemon will be super on this.. as an App to run .. as the program for your flightplanning.

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