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Changing from Garmin 496?

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Group: Forum Members
Posts: 19, Visits: 62
HI all,

I've been using SD plan for a couple of years, think it is superb. However, I've stayed away from SD's own box for some time due to the robust nature of the 496. However, I think it is about time that I give it a try.

I'm assuming there will be plenty of folks on here who've used a 496 and switched to SD's own box? Can you tell me what, if any, features are on the 496 which aren't on the SD box? I'm thinking things like

1. "nearest [town / VRP / VOR / airfield]" at the touch of a button (with miles to each), for reporting position etc.
2. "dct to" - as previous, airfield, VRP etc. - are they features on SD too?
3. What is the battery life like compared to the 496?
4. Is it a touchscreen and if so, how easy is it to use / pan / zoom in and out etc.
5. Is there data available for sunrise and sunset times on the unit?
6. Am assuming data displayed on the "front" screen can be changed to show eta, ete, distance to next etc.?
7. Does the unit have a dimmer control?
8. Are previous flight plans stored in the unit?
9. Is there airfield information available for alternates? - assume a divert to somewhere, runway length, runway surface, frequencies etc.?
10. W&B calcs
11. Terrain warnings

Basic questions I know so apologies if this has been covered elsewhere.

Edited 8/7/2012 4:20:14 PM by VMC-on-top

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